Originally posted November 2021
History is history! What was was! Leave it alone! Don’t play with it! Don’t Change it! Don’t screw with it!
We learn from history. If so, keep it honest. Otherwise that “learned” will be false.
Two recent examples of “history change” which infuriate me.
Theodore Roosevelt has proudly sat astride a horse for more than 80 years in front of the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. The statue will soon be removed and relocated to North Dakota.
The reason why involves the two persons standing aside the statue. One on each side. On one an African man. The other, a Native American man.
The claim leading to its soon to be removal is that the statue glorifies colonialism and racism.
A statue of Thomas Jefferson has sat in the New York City Hall for 187 years. It was moved Monday. The reason being Jefferson owned slaves.
My advice why stop there. Remove Jefferson’s majestic statue in the Jefferson Memorial also.
What about George Washington? A slave owner big time. Lets remove Washington’s name from Washington, D.C. and the Washington Memorial.
Not correct to pick and choose. All or none.
Beware! The ongoing COVID problem could call for extreme government action. Action to be required because many people refuse to follow the rules.
Australia the perfect example.
Australia has begun forcibly moving residents from certain areas to quarantine camps. Those moved are positive cases and close contacts.
An Australian government official said, “Yes, these are strong measures, but THE THREAT TO LIVES IS EXTREME.”
Area persons primarily being sent to camps are from the northern portions of Australia. Primarily indigenous persons. The Australian army moves them by truck.
The Waukesha Christmas Parade SUV deaths total 8 dead and 40 injured. One of the dead is an 8 year old who died following brain surgery.
Eighteen children were injured and taken to Children’s Wisconsin Milwaukee Hospital. The hospital has advised it has insufficient staffing.
The reason claimed has to do with the COVID vaccination mandate. Certain nurses and staff have refused to be vaccinated. The national mandate for vaccines became effective November 15.
The hospital presently has 200 open positions.
Seventy percent of the nursing/medical staff who claimed a religious exemption were denied. Most have already begun looking for other jobs.
Things are so desperate in the hospital that even its CEO is working the emergency room floor.
Police advise the SUV driver drove his vehicle into the parade in a “zig zag pattern” in order to “hit as many people as possible.”
Corporate profits hit a record high in the third quarter. $3,139.1 billion. Two percent higher than the second quarter.
Long term rise dramatic. From one year ago, 28.2 percent. From the fourth quarter of 2019 – before any impact from the pandemic, 37.7 percent.
Such being the case, why is the Senate nickel diming the social infrastructure bill? Also arguing against any raise in corporate taxes?
For shame!
I wrote about Allyn Walker in my 11/15/21 blog. The transgender professor at Old Dominion University. The female who became a male. He called for the stigma towards pedohiles to be removed.
He claimed pedophilia was merely another form of sexual attraction and should be tolerated.
Old Dominion has “fired” Walker. His termination will begin May 22, 2022 when “her contract expired.”
Seventy professors signed a letter in support of Walker saying “not everyone who is attracted to children abuses the children.”
I wonder how many of the 70 are pedophiles themselves.
On this day in 1890, Key West was the largest city in Florida. Population 18,786.
Key West only about 28,000 today. Key West remained basically the same size while the rest of Florida flourished.
On this day in 1962, President John Kennedy was in Key West on official business. He was here to review the military installations and troops that had been part of the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Enjoy your day!