Donald Trump’s New Year’s Eve was nowhere as grandiose as those of recent years. Even before his Presidency.
The “quality” of his guests tell the tale. A very limited number of “name” guests.
The most prominent person in attendance was Rudy Giuliani. Says it all! Number 2 was the My Pillow guy. And third, son Eric.
Son Donald Jr. and daughter Ivanka failed to attend.
The remainder of the guests Mar-a-Lago members.
Bess Levin says a Ron DeSantis Presidency would be as terrifying as a Trump.
Kevin McCarthy’s campaign for Speaker political prostitution at its best.
His failure on the first ballot, as is anticipated, will result in an unprecedented floor fight. The first in modern times. His failure to obtain the required 218 votes will leave the House in chaos for the next 2 years. Bad blood will remain.
His win on the first ballot will create a major problem for him if it occurs. He sold his soul to get the job. Clearly reflecting his inability to be a leader.
Hooray for the Ukrainians. On New Year’s day, they bombed a Russian stronghold located on Ukrainian soil. Depending on who is releasing the news, 63 or 400 Russians were killed. the Ukraines fired 4 rockets supplied them by the U.S. – HIMARS launchers.
The “kill” justified retribution. Proof that what goes around does come around. Vengeance in the finest sense.
Moscow is demanding punishment of the Russian commanders in charge of the area. Someone has to be held responsible!
A major sports tragedy occurred last night at the Bills/Bengals game in Cincinnati. Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin suffered cardiac arrest during the game. He made a tackle, got up and fell backward. Cardiac arrest. He received CPR and other appropriate treatment on the field and then was ambulanced off to a hospital.
He remains in critical condition.
The event occurred in the first quarter. The game was called at that point. Not completed.
The players from both teams kneeled together in prayer while Hamlin was being treated on the field. Many were crying.
Susan Neill has been a Key West friend for 20 years. She was Dr. McIvor’s assistant for the 20 years he was my heart doctor. I developed a close relationship with both.
Dr. McIvor died a year ago. Susan was sickly during his last year. After his death, her condition went into a dramatically downward spiral. She ended up in a hospital in northern Florida.
We kept in contact. With diminished frequency. Then nothing. I assumed my unanswered calls meant she had died. The last time we actually talked was prior to my parathyroid surgery in July.
For some reason, she was frequently on my mind this past week. Yesterday, I received a telephone call from her. She was alive! Sounded well. Attitude good. Where had I been she wanted to know. I told her of “her death.”
Susan has recovered. Now, retired. Is moving today with her son and his family to Maryland where she will live with them.
Best news I received over the holidays! I definitely will keep in contact, as will she.
My eyes are tearful. Hearing from Susan is a God is good thing. I never expected it.
Syracuse/Louisville basketball tonight at 7 pm.
Syracuse should win. Never know, however. Louisville is 2-12 for the season and 0-3 in the ACC. Syracuse 9-5 and 2-1.
Enjoy your day! I wish each of you a Susan Neill type call!