Six years ago, I did a podcast where I discussed Archie Bunker sitting in Washington as Donald Trump. Today, Trump continues to be an Archie Bunker. Does America really want him as President again?
A proud time for Key West High School. The school’s band is in London today. Prepared to march in London’s New Year’s Day Parade. An experience these young adults will never forget.
The new La Concha Hotel on Duval Street opened to the public this week in 1925. The grand opening was set for January 22, 1926. La Concha has stood proudly for almost a century on one of the most prominent corners in Key West.
The older I get, the more I discover how little I know. Something new has come to my attention involving New Years. There is a tradition of eating 12 grapes at midnight while the clock tolls 12. Properly accomplished while sitting under a table.
The tradition Spanish derived. Also observed in parts of Central America.
The motivation is the hope to find true love in the next 12 months. The “significant other.” The activity is referred to as “uvas de la suerte” which translates into “lucky grapes.”
It is believed the tradition originated in the Spanish city of Alicante in the early 1900’s. Grape farmers conceived the idea to help sell their surplus grapes. The 12 grapes consumed represent one for every month of the New Year as well as one for every bell that chimes at midnight.
Failure to eat all 12 grapes by the ringing of the twelfth bell portends an unlucky year ahead. The grapes must be ingested while sitting under a table to further assure a lucky love life in the coming year. I could not figure out why it had to take place under a table.
Trump’s escalating statements involve claims of divine authority and threatening dictatorship.
Authoritarianism is in ascendency around the world. Democracy in decline. A Trump victory in 2024 will finalize the U.S.’ descendancy. God help us for a number of generations to come if such occurs.
Rasputin. A name that was feared in the years prior to the Russian Revolution. He was a crazy religious sexually oriented man who influenced Czar Nicholas II and Czarina Alexei. For some inexplainable reasons, he was able to stop the royal couple’s son’s hemophiliac bleeding which gave Rasputin the influence he had over the parents.
His lechery, especially with the Czarina, added to his influence. He literally screwed his way into power.
On December 29, 1916, a group of Russian royalty began an assassination attempt which took several hours to successfully complete. Rasputin was difficult to kill. Poisoned, shot on two separate occasions, beaten, and finally drowned in a freezing river.
The damage had been done. His assassination too late. Rasputin was a significant contributor to the revolution which eventually took place.
Last night was a typical party evening before New Year’s Eve. Although still two days away. being friday it was the last working day before the holiday. People filled Key West bars with a revelry rarely found on other evenings. Brady’s Irish Pub was packed like I have never seen. Everyone having the best of times!
Ran into several people I knew. One was David from Don’s Place. Don’s best friend and now with Don gone instrumental in operating Don’s Place. I had not seen David for a couple of years. A true warm friendly embrace. It was good to see him and several others from Don’s Place. I should begin stopping in again.
Carola was earning her fare last night. She had to move swiftly to keep up.
Syracuse begins the ACC season today. Plays Pitt at noon. Both teams have a similar 9-3 record coming into the game. Pitt favored because it played more formidable teams up to this point.
I’ll be at Jack Flats watching the game.
Enjoy your day!
Donald Trump is NOT now, nor was NEVER Archie Bunker.
Archie Bunker was a made up, half hour character on TV, illustrating how bad close minded racism can be.
Donald Trump is a full time racist creep who is dangerous and creepy and responsible for many deaths due to his very real personal failings.
You Lou, do a disservice to the world by covering for Trump in your naive unintended simple syrup ways.
I think I agree Lou, Donald Trump isn’t some lovable TV personality on a feel-good show that everybody loved. He’s a real live scumball that’s making it his life to destroy America.
We need to stop normalizing him.