A reminder regarding my radio show The Key West Lou Legal Hour. It has a new day and time. Fridays at 10 in the morning.
KONK 1500 AM radio. See and hear on the internet at www.konkam.com. Telephone to talk with me on air at 305-294-2769.
One of the interesting matters to be discussed friday is a Texas capital punishment case. Capital punishnment means a murder case with a death penalty.
The female judge and male prosecutor had a love affair described as “torrid.” Not proper. It took almost 20 years for the affair to be admitted/proved. The defendant in the meantime sat on death row.
Texas’ highest appellate court heard defendant’s appeal. Defendant claimed the judge had a conflict of interest. The appellate court turned the defendant down. They said his appeal on the conflict issue was too late under Texas law. Apparently procedure took precedence over the sexual relationship.
The defendant asked the U.S. Supreme Court this past week to hear his case.
Weatherwise, yesterday was a dream! A Key West day! Warm and comfortable. A beach day.
It does not seem to be lasting. It is pouring outside. And poured all night. I was awakened by the thunder a few times. There is nothing as loud as thunder over the ocean! Blasting!
I spent some time at Borders yesterday. Still reading Game Change.
Palin was selected as VP too quickly. She was ill prepared. Her prep was poorly devised. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Not the other way around.
Then to the Coffee House to read the newspapers. I feel comfortable there. I sit in a big wing back. I enjoy the atmosphere and surroundings.
A new store has opened in Key West. A Dollar Store. It opened last week. An event for Key West!
I visited the Dollar Store yesterday. That is what one does who is retired and living in Key West.
I was impressed!
The place was packed. About 150 people. Many I knew. Pushing carts around and filling them up!
I have not been in a dollar store in 30 years. So I found the experience interesting. And admittedly a bit exciting.
People were buying off the shelves like a hurricane or snowstorm was on its way!
The products available reminded me of a supermarket. Without fruit, produce and meat products. Everything else, though. Bottled and canned. Attractively so. Except little if any name products. The bottles looked the same. The brand name was different.
Cheap prices! Nothing over a dollar. Many times multiple items of the same product for a dollar.
Whether a reflection of the times or what, it appears the Key West Dollar Store is going to be a success.
Last night was Syracuse basketball. Syracuse played Providence at Providence. A good game. Syracuse ahead by 12, then Providence ahead by 5 and finally Syracuse winning by double figures.
Villanova saturday night. The big one!
I watched the game last night at the Sports Page Bar. Skaneatles’ Dan and Lisa were with me. Steve showed up around half time. And there were a slew of other Syracuse fans.
Lisa continues to work diligently on her internet department store Via Key West. She has some new products and some sale items. Take a look. Something may appeal to you. www.viakeywest.com.
Today is wednesday. Golf day. If the rain lets up, that is. Whatever, I cannot play. I have paper work to get out this morning. Terrible how I permit outside factors to influence my Key West existence!
Enjoy your day!