Good morning world!
Slept late.
Sun up. Water calm. Slight breeze. Tide out. I can see rocks rarely seen sitting up in the water.
I stopped by Larry and Christine’s for coffee yesterday morning. They have absolutely the best, and probably most expensive, coffee machine on the island!
In addition to school teaching and singing, Christine paints. Her easel and stuff were sitting out, so I took the time to really look at her work for the first time.
Outstanding! Bright watercolors of the Key West scene.
Such a talented woman!
Then over to the Yacht Club for Mother’s Day brunch with Lisa and the family.
The company was good! What else could Lisa and her family be! The food equally good! I ate too much!
Robert had been sick for a few days. He still looked under the weather. Lisa said he was ok. The worse was behind him. It was ok for him to be out.
She was correct. Mothers know!
Robert had not eaten much for 2 days. Not yesterday at brunch. I got my money’s worth out of him! He devoured everything in sight! He was hungry. Like he had not eaten in a few days! And when he was finally done, his familiar smile returned to his face. He was back!
I returned to Lisa’s home to spend a bit of the day with them. Chatting with Corey is always good. An interesting, perceptive and caring man. There should be more Coreys in this world!
Robert is 4 and Ally 3. Both soon to have birthdays and will be 5 and 4 respectively. Both attend Montessori pre school. Robert learned chess there. He has since taught his sister Ally. Yesterday I watched the two of them set up the chess board and play a game. And they knew what they were doing! Amazing!
I spent the balance of the afternoon watching the Players golf tournamnet at home. I worry about Tiger Woods. He was in too many traps and missed too many putts. Will he ever really come back? Has the layoff because of his knee surgery taken the edge away for all time? It has to be mentally difficult for him.
Six became Gardens time. I went over to hear Skipper and others play. The crowd has thinned a bit with the season being over.
Kate Miano was her usual lovely self. I am happy for her. Her back is mended, her business successful.
I spent some time chatting with John Padget. I was formally introduced to him last week for the first time. An interesting man! A former Superintendent of Education for Monroe County, he is active also with local charities. He is deeply involved with the mentoring program here.
Padget is a transplanted New Yorker, as many of us are. Turns out he comes from Tully, New York. Tully is a Syracuse suburb. Only 50 miles from Utica. Unfortunately, Padget went to Cornell rather than Syracuse. But that can be forgiven!
Then over to the Keys Piano Bar for a quick drink. Mark Watson was bartending and singing. He is good! And a good guy, besides!
Dinner was at the bar at La Trattoria again. I am a creature of habit. As most of us are. When I find a place and people I like, I tend to return frequently. I enjoyed my snapper and the crowd around the bar.
Home to an early bed. Obviously turned out to be a long night’s sleep. When the sun is up, I have overslept. As I did this morning!
Enjoy your day!