Yesterday was a big day for me personally. An anniversary. My first one.
It was one year ago yesterday I was laying in a Miami hospital and told you have heart problems young man! This was after a heart catherization and some other tests. Ok, I said. What do I do? Stop drinking and smoking was the response.
I did at that moment. I have had neither a drink nor cigarette for one year.
I am proud of myself.
It has not been easy. I still miss both. I still crave both. Some days more than yesterday. Even now. But I hang in there! There is no choice when the option is death.
I do feel better. I am stronger. That is why I am hitting the golf ball farther!
The radio show yesterdy was a hit! So I am lead to believe by those who communicated with me afterwards. Three topics received the most interest. Terri White. A story for the ages! And Social Security and the comparison of stimulus packages between Eisenhower and Obama.
After the show, I had to hurry over to Lisa’s. Robert and Ally did not have school. I was needed to babysit for an hour. The grandkids were engrossed in a kids’ movie. After my kisses and hugs, they settled back to continue watching the movie. I read the newspapers.
Babysitting again was only for one hour. I was a fill in between Lisa and Corey being available.
Then it was to the Pier House for lunch.
Gerg Lindeberg is from Forest Lake, Minnesota. He reads this blog. He wrote and told me he and his wife Cady would be in for one day. They were planning on walking in the Masquerade Parade. They are staying with friends up in the Key Colony area.
He asked if we could meet. We planned a 12:30 luncheon.
Greg and Cady brought friends. Ted and Sue Kolbe from Philipsburg, Pennsylvania.
We had a fun luncheon.
Greg is a financial planner. Though he is not happy with that title. He refers to himself as a “Social Security Alternative Model Representative.” Quite a mouthful!
Cady works at Home Depot in bookkeeping.
Greg and Cady are not strangers to Key West.. They visit here 5-6 timnes a year. I told them that eventaully they will buy. It is the pattern.
Ted and Sue both work at Penn State. What a great place to be employed!
Greg is a Construction Manager. He oversees the outside contractors to make sure they do their jobs properly. Sort of like a clerk of the works. Sue is employed in the Psychological Clinic.
This was Greg and Sue’s seventh visit to Key West and their fourth Fantasy Fest.
All four were walking later in the day in the Masquerade Parade.
Nice people! Key West types! Locals to be!
I hope they keep in touch. I am sure they will. And we will be visitng together again on their next visit.
I needed a pedicure. It was over to Lee Nails. Good luck! The place was packed! Tammy asked me to return tomorrow.
The Masquerade Parade was fun! I did not march. Never have. Some year I must.
I watched the parade on Fleming Street. Walked around a bit. Popped into a couple of house parties and watched from the porches.
Great costumes! Happy people! Everyone waving! No rowdiness! Of course, it was only five o’clock!
After the parade passed me by, I headed for Duval.
The key spot for merriment from my perspective on friday night is the corner where 801 and the Bourbon Street Pub sit. Kiddy corner from each other.
Both are gay estgablishments. Drag queens abound. Tourists and locals packed into the intersection like sardines.
There is a scaffold. Two stories high. In the middle of the intersection. Music on top. At least one guy in leather pants with his butt exposed at all times. Bare breasted ladies climbing the scaffold to dance on top.
A place to stand and watch. Which is what I did.
Then I returned home to bed. Before 8! It had been a full day for me!
This is the big night! The parade! The Captain Morgan Fantasy Fest Parade. Sixty thousand to 80,000 people will line Duval watching the parade. I am amazed every year that the island does not sink! I also wonder every year where they all sleep! There is not enough room in Key West for all of them!
My friend Howard Livingston has the honor of being the Grand Marshall of the parade. He will be on the first float with his Mile Marker 24 band. I recall 4 years ago when Howard put his own float together for the parade. He asked me to be on it. I was thrilled.
Howard was relatively new to his musical career at the time. Not everyone was aware of him. My recollection is that our float was # 57 out of 64 that night. No respect. By the time we started into the parade, some floats had already finished the parade.
Four years later Howard is numero uno on the #1 float!
Go Howard!
Enjoy your day!
Congratulations. Joan
1 year anniversary,, good,, congrats.. Key West is a hard town to do something like that in.. Patrick and JoAnn
Went down last night for my 20th FF weekend and the town is NOT as crowded as years past. My goodness— who invited all the AARP fat people in barely nothing and pissed off snarky drunk? Where are all the beautiful people? The economy is hitting this event bad— there are still plenty of rooms available and last miniute cancels. My houseguests didn't stay at their fav expensive Key Wesr B&B this year and got. a call yesterday from the manager offeribg the weekend stay at HALF PRICE! This Fantasy Fest has less crowds and less young cuties but more fat old farts drinking and publically bad behavior. Since 2005 Wilma it just isn't the same — people are not spending money. And did you know the going rate to park your vehicle is $$50.00???? Lets rip off the tourists shall we?!
U R Rite…….all fat bums abd droopy boobies in town….. Body painting nightmares on Duval St…… me before the old farts bliiiiiiiiind me with da belly fat & bald heads shinning in the streetlites………ooooohhhh da horror!!!!!!!