Good morning!
I always enjoyed fall in the north country. Besides the beauty of the color, the cool crispiness in the air is exhilerating. Makes you feel alive and good!
Next comes winter. I do not miss the winters. I could care less if I never see another winter. The brutal cold, rubbers and boots, heavy coats, scarfs, dry heat. No fun. Uncomfortable.
I have become a warm weather freak. Give me Key West all the time in the winter months!
I had lunch with another former employee yesterday. Donna. Lovely Donna. Sweet Donna.
Donna is still young. 41. I hired her when she was a baby! Actually, she worked for the firm for 8 years. She was the billing administrator. An important position! The bills had to get out timely. Otherwise cash flow was affected.
She did a good job!
She no longer works for the firm. She is now employed as an administrative assistant with a non profit that helps children.
We lunched at Friendly’s. She only had a half hour lunch and it was close to her place of employment. Rather than destroy my diet, I limited myself to a diet coke.
Donna is a good person. Typical of many women her age in today’s society. An unwed mother with three teenage children. Every day is a struggle, economic and otherwise.
It was my mother’s birthday. I visted her grave. On the side of a hill. Gray and windy. Damp.
We talked. Rather, I talked. She listened. I cried. I miss her. The feeling never goes away, even though it is now 21 years since she left.
I said hello to some friends.
Tony Leporte lies in his family plot. The Leportes sleep next to the Petrones. Tony was my friend for years. He was a school administrator. Died relatively early in life. Around 50. I was one of his pallbearers. A good person. A kind word for everyone. Always there to lend a helping hand.
Terry Tolles lies across the road from my Mother. Terry was an attorney, McDonalds entrepreneur and businesman. A quiet guy. Knowledgeable. Admired. Well liked.
I had dinner with friends in the evening.
I played intermediary in the afternoon between Larry Smith and Terri White via telephone. Larry wanted Terri to sing on his radio/internet ustreamed variety show next wednesday from the Bottle Cap in Key West. Terri is Terri White of Broadway fame. She is presently vacationing at my home in Key West with her wife Donna. I am into it all these days. Broadway star, same sex marriage. Terri will sing Summertime. You can catch the show from where ever you are in the world wednesday at 9 on the internet at
I am ready to return to Key West. My business is done. I have visited with my Father. I talked with my Mother. There is no more for me to do here. Key West is now my home and I miss it and everyone there.
I leave tomorrow morning for my return trip to Key West.
My radio show The Key West Lou Legal Hour is on at 10 this morning. Because I am here, a rerun will be broadcast. Still good. Listen in. On the radio KONK 1500 AM. Worldwide on the internet
Enjoy your day!
safe trip home lou… sunny and 50 degrees in columbia,sc……………..BYRDMAN
Louis, The good old Utica NY days of the Past our long gone. We broke bread many times a great old Italian Rest. many times in our working days.
May you have a safe trip back to your Home In Key West.
Bobby Marks
Well, today is a beautiful upstate NY day,, 70F with a warm breeze and bit a color in the trees, perfect.. We'll end the day with friends and gnocchi at our favorite Italian eatery.. It doesn't get much better, except for maybe a monday night martini with friends at Virgilios during Jan or Feb..
Patrick and JoAnn