St. Distaff’s Day. Today. Celebrated in the UK and other European countries, though to a lesser degree than in previous centuries.

Strangely, there was no such person as St. Distaff. Never was, never will be.

A “distaff” is a tool used by women in the middle ages in “the process of spinning wool – or flax – into thread, which was the first step in making cloth.” The women were off for the Christmas holiday back then. Distaff Day came 12 days after Christmas when women returned to work.

It became a day for mischief for men who would have fun by setting fire to the women’s flax. The women retaliated by pouring water over the fires – and then the men!

Robert Herrick wrote a poem recording the event. The poem “St. Distaff’s Day.” A portion of the poem: “Partly work and partly play / Ye must on Saint Distaff’s Day:…. / If the maiden a-spinning go, / Scotch their packets, but beware / That ye singe no maiden’s hair; / Bring in pails of water, then, / Let the maids bewash the men.”

Herrick wrote a subsequent poem also. One most today have some degree of familiarity with. Herrick believed in enjoying life. In his day, all unmarried women were called virgins. Whether so or not. He offered them advice in his poem “To the Virgins, To Make Much of Time.” The poem’s opening line is most familiar to all: “Gather ye rosebuds while ye may.”

Subsequent lines suggest the sun would rise and set, thereby stealing a woman of youth and warm blood. Herrick’s last stanza: “Then be not cry but use your timer, / And while ye may, go marry; / For having lost but once your prime, / You may forever tarry.”

All because of a day known as St. Distaff’s Day which was not referrable to a living person, but to a happy custom which was probably better.

Today’s podcast 6 years old. Forrest Gump’s “Stupid is as stupid does.”



 Trump can’t handle/oppose gun shootings.

There was a gun shooting in Iowa this past week. One student killed and seven wounded. Trump at an Iowa rally 36 hours following the shooting told his Iowa audience to “get over” the shooting. Trump was briefly sympathetic and followed up with the “get over it” thing.

Will he ever really oppose gun shootings? Will he ever take on the gun industry? He keeps blaming the Democrats, trans and the mentally ill. He’s the one who is mentally ill.

Step up to the plate, Donald!

Trump has “brass balls.” He now threatens the Supreme Court. He warns of “big trouble” as the Supreme Court agrees to hear the Colorado ballot case. “Big trouble” if the Supreme Court does not rule in his favor.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was recently hospitalized. He  and/or his staff failed to notify his bosses President Biden and the American people. The first 4 days of his hospitalization were spent in intensive care.

Not the way to run the business of government. An explanation is required.

Decided yesterday I had enough frolicking all week, Stayed in, except for an early morning stop at Date and Thyme for my Monkey Smoothie fix. I sense today will be the same, except for breakfast out. My body craves an egg, etc. breakfast. A once a week thing.

Enjoy your Sunday!

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