The ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in St. Peter’s is perhaps the finest piece of art created by man. It was opened to the public for the first time this day in 1512. Michelangelo the genius who painted the ceiling.
Michelangelo began the work in 1508 when he was 33. He finished when he was 37.
The ceiling is known as “the Creation of Adam.” Clearly shows the stretching of God’s finger and Adam’s finger toward each other.
Michelangelo returned to the Sistine chapel in 1534 to paint “The Last Judgment” on the wall behind the altar.
I was fortunate to have visited the Sistine Chapel 35 yeas ago and to have viewed the ceiling’s magnificence. An emotional experience.
Steve and Cindy Thompson were in Rome this past week. I urged both of them to view Michelangelo’s work. It is a once in a lifetime experience.
Watched an old movie on TV last night. Top Gun. Starred Tom Cruise and Kelly McGillis. Brought back memories of Kelly McGillis.
She and her then husband lived in Key West before, during and after the movie was made. Their home was in Key Haven as was mine. Did not know Kelly well. I was friendly with her husband. We would run into each other at parties, etc.
The two purchased 3 restaurants during that time. One was First Flight which originally was the building that housed the offices of Pan American Airlines. Pan American began in Key West.
They also owned The Grand. The third restaurant’s name I cannot recall.
Kelly now lives in North Carolina. Returns every year in September for Womenfest.
Spoke with Fran Dixon in Buffalo last night. Wished her a Happy Birthday! Still a kid! Fifteen years younger than me. She and Tom will be down Thanksgiving week. I look forward to their visit.
Jimmy Buffett was born on Christmas Day. The day may have imbued him with the joy and happiness he was able to spread during his lifetime.
Fantasy Fest is for adults. No question an adult party. No place for children.
I read somewhere about a local father who complained that while he was walking through Fantasy Fest with his two young children, two woman passed by completely nude. Not even sprayed anywhere.
The father was justified in saying not for his children’s eyes to see. On the other hand, what was he doing walking with them through Fantasy Fest? These moralistic complainers bug the hell out of me!
There is a nationwide shortage of milk carton material. The material used to create one pint school milk cartons.
The country may run out of milk cartons this week. Even worse, the shortage could last several months.
Rick Ramsay is the best of the best when it comes to Sheriffs. An example is his announcement yesterday that he had returned certain monies to the County. Monies he had not spent in the fiscal year. $2,705,921.
Politicians either spend or overspend. Rarely return a penny. Our Sheriff returned $2.7 million.
As it turns out, a sad and embarrassing day in American history. Clarence Thomas took his place as the newest Justice on the Supreme Court this day in 1991.
Too many religious zealots. The most recent to come to our attention is the new House Speaker Mike Johnson. More dangerous than Jim Jordan would have been. Johnson comes on to us with a smile and friendly manner. It covers a MAGA fanatic.
Do not be deceived!
Ron DeSantis is a liar. Similar to Donald Trump. He swears he does not wear lifts. Photos taken the past few years clearly show he does.
Why does he not own up to it? No one really cares if he wears them. Why lie?
I was born in 1935. I am 88. A life expectancy table indicates men born in 1935 had a life expectancy of 59.9 years.
I am not complaining the stats are incorrect as applied to me. Happy so!
Donald Trump’s eldest son Donald Trump Jr. takes the stand today in the New York City civil fraud trial. His testimony, or number of times he takes the 5th Amendment, should be interesting.
Enjoy your day!
Kelly’s Caribbean
Kelly’s Caribbean, before ownership changed and the name became first flight.