Another Donald Trump success story.

The razor sharp wire TRump had U.S. troops line certain fence areas along the southern border were stolen and then sold on the streets of Tijuana.

The wire was to keep migrants out. Not a smart move. Thieves were able to remove and steal portions of the wire.

Where were border guards? The U.S. military? Who was watching the shop. It takes longer to remove the wire than to climb over a fence.

The wire is not easy to remove. Takes time. The thieves stole whatever they did with no problem.

Fifteen persons have been arrested by Mexican authorities. Some Americans.

The stolen wire was transported down the streets of Tijuana in shopping carts. The thieves shouting out the cost and willingness to install. Forty pesos per home. In American dollars, less than $2. Covered cost of the wire and installation.

Tijuana residents anxious to buy. Murder rate high in Tijuana.

Amazing. American wire protecting Mexican homes. Americans having paid for the wire. The U.S. could not get Mexico to pay for the wall. Mexico has inadvertently got the U.S. to pay for the wire protecting the Tijuana homes.

Good job, Donald. No other person could have obtained such a result.

Barbara still visiting. I eat better with her here. She makes some Italian dishes I fail to get. Yesterday, it was greens and beans. Cooked in oil. Bread dunking enjoyable.

Immensely enjoyed Tom Hambright’s presentation at the Library last night. A full house.

Tom’s talk consisted a short history of Key West.

Tom knew it all.

I continue to live and learn. Tom mentioned that at one time there were oil drilling rigs on Big Pine. New to me.

Did some research this morning.

Oil well drilling did take place on land in the Keys at one time. Big Pine, Sugarloaf, Key Largo, and just outside Marathon.

The State of Florida responsible. Concern for the environment not as it is today.

In the 1940’s, Florida passed a law: Florida Oil Discovery Award. Fifty thousand dollars to anyone striking oil.

Over the next 2 decades, the Keys’ wells were dug. Some as far down as 12,000 feet.

The drillings were not successful. Not enough oil available. The structures eventually taken down.

Ran into Chart Room friends Tom and Clare at Tom’s talk. Clare a charming woman.

On to Blue Macaw after Tom’s talk. Terri singing. As usual, outstanding!

This afternoon, I join Laurie Thibaud on her radio show. Party Time. Station 107.5 FM, WGAY FM. Laurie will on from 3-7. I will join her for the 4-5:30 segment.

Join us. We are an interesting duo. Never know what will be said. Especially by Laurie.

Then to the Chart Room.

I will be up late tonight. Syracuse/Baylor in the first game of March Madness. Playing in Salt Lake City.

Syracuse team hit with bad news yesterday. Syracuse starter Frank Howard has been suspended indefinitely. Mystery surrounds why. Everyone tight lipped. His suspension described as based on “athletic department policy.”

Some people have no difficulty in moving their asses when required. Written in a complimentary fashion. New Zealand’s President announced yesterday that all assault rifles would be banned. Military style semi-automatic weapons.

Her announcement follows the recent shootings in New Zealand which left 50 dead.

She is being supported in the move by both of New Zealand’s political parties.

Contrast and compare with the U.S. Our legislators are bought and beholden to the NRA. Sale of guns more important than human lives.

Today, there are more guns than people in the U.S. Additionally, more have died from guns in the U.S. 91.45 million) than in all wars in American history (1.4 million).

Vaccinate or not? Not really an issue. Should be mandatory. Yet some states permit parents to exempt their children.

Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin one of those persons. He does not believe in chicken pox vaccine. He has 9 children. Refused to have them vaccinated.

A neighbor got the chicken pox. He took his 9 children next door to what has been described as a “pox party.” All 9 were infected and came down with the chicken pox. The Governor’s position: “This is America and the federal government should not be forcing this on people.”

The Governor was irresponsible as to his children and others. Must be in his blood. Anyone who fathers 9 children in this day and age can be described irresponsible also.

Enjoy your day!




  1. Si Senor, we in Mexico are building walls around our homes and Trump is paying for them. Gracias. Can you get him to make some of his wall out of those nice folding garage doors?

  2. You keep dirking at the Dorval watering wholes and the folks from central America will be eating your beans. At $ 75,000.00 /year there will be no retirement $ for you left

  3. “Anyone who fathers 9 children in this day and age can be descripted irresponsible also”
    Lou- in 8-9 years I have been reading your column this may be the most outrageous opinion you have ever expressed !!
    Single moms who have 3-4 children, often with different fathers, do not work and then rely upon the government to support them are irresponsible.
    A stable 2 parent family normally raises responsible children as you did. Time will never change that.
    The values your parents taught you are important basis for your life- don’t lose them now

    • Nowadays, it’s the American farmers who rely on government subsidies to support them. Welfare for farmers is costing the responsible citizens of this country millions, billions actually. They need to get jobs where they can make a living, or stop supporting a government that fails their needs.

    • Hey, hasn’t Donald Trump sired four different children by three different wives, all of whom seem to rely on government jobs they don’t deserve, that their daddy got them by ignoring official objections?

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