translation services A sure fire method that will will result in an increase in population. A power failure. Especially when the weather is on the cool side. On this day in 1965, the great Northeast Blackout began with a severe power failure lasting 13.5 hours. Left 30 million people in 7 states and part of Canada without electricity. Nine months later, a significant rise in births was recorded in the 7 U.S. states. Today in 1989 was a significant day in world history. I recall it clearly. East Germany opened its borders. The Berlin wall was no more. Germans danced atop it. Anti-Semitism. It happened before. It is happening again. The beginning. Even in the United States. It was on this day in 1938 that Nazis looted and burned synagogues as well as thousands of Jewish owned stores and homes in Germany and Austria in a program of deliberate … Read More →