No question. This is the rainy season!

It rained big time twice yesterday. Heavy. In between, sunshine! Hard to believe it had rained.

I needed to walk. Normally, I walk in Home Depot to avoid the heat. Yesterday, to avoid the rain.

Lunched at Hogfish. Read the newspapers. It had been a few weeks since I last was at Hogfish. There is something magical about sitting under Hogfish’s thatched roof while it is pouring outside.

I spent the afternoon at home reading. No place to go what with the rain.

I recently started reading Bob woodward’s latest book. The Price of Politics. The story of how President Obama and Congress tried to save the economy. The time frame is just before Obama took office through this past summer.

I am not deeply into the book yet. Let me share some initial impressions with you, however.

President Obama appears to be a person too much within himself. He is President. He has fixed opinions. He does not listen. Many conversations with him are one sided.

Biden is the master of compromise. Much like Lyndon Johnson. The result of many years of Senatorial experience. He would make an excellent President.

Eric Cantor. A worm.

Sloan came over at 5. We continued working on the trip pics. Hopefully next week I shall start publishing them. The next time I do a trip, the photos will be placed in the blog as that day’s blog is done. The reason I did not was that I did not know how. Still do not know how. Soon will be learning, however. Some things I am slow at.

Tonight, the first Presidential debate! I can’t wait! Love politics!

Enjoy your day!


  1. Biden is the master of compromise. Much like Lyndon Johnson. The result of many years of Senatorial experience. He would make an excellent President.

    Aaahahahahahahahahaha !! Thats funny !!

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