Jon “Tosh” McIntosh died March 12. A memorial service will be held this afternoon at 4 at St. Paul’s Church. Followed by a reception at The Studios of Key West.

Tosh was a creative painter. His works live on. He was also  well liked. Key West misses him already.

For several years, I wrote a weekly column for KONK Life. Decided to take a rest in 2016 and stopped. Rest over. I am returning to turn out the column on a weekly basis beginning next wednesday. The Key West Lou COMMENTARY.

I spent yesterday afternoon researching the opening topic. The Post Office debt problem Trump is blaming on Amazon. As usual, Trump is wrong. Amazon not the problem. Congress.

In 2006, Congress passed a bill, subsequently signed into law,  whereby the Post Office was mandated to pre-fund healthcare benefits for postal retirees 75 years into the future.

No business pre-funds healthcare benefits in such a fashion. The burden on the Post Office in the billions each year.

In 2005, the Post Office was debt free. Since 2006, in debt on a yearly basis till today it owes well over $100 billion. The pre-funding eventually was impossible for the Post Office to pay.

And guess what? The money till needed went into a national fund which Congress used to help run the government.

Bad! A screw job just like Social Security. Social Security is solvent, except for the fact the government takes the Fund’s unneeded dollars and never pays it back. The government’s largest creditor is Social Security which is owed $2.8 trillion.

Read my first article re the Post Office which comes out wednesday. Guaranteed you will enjoy.

I limited my last night to the Chart Room. Interesting conversation. Visited with John, Sheila, Christina and David.

The Seven Mile Bridge Race today. Actually, already over. Ended at 9.

Tomorrow, the Cow Key Bridge Race. One thousand plus participants traveling the 300 feet over Cow Key Bridge. Most dressed as cows.

Jean has concluded the third day of the trip of trips.

She and Joe slept in a Madrid Hotel. Jet lag hit them. They woke at 3.

A great breakfast in the hotel. Then toured Madrid with their guide.

Jean spoke with two of her credit card companies. They assured her 2 of her cards would be available at a specific address in Falmouth, England next saturday when her ship arrives.

Early to bed. Not because she and Joe still suffering from jet lag. They have to be in the lobby of their hotel at 9 the next morning to take a bus to Barcelona where they will board their ship.

The US, Britain and France missile attacked Syria last night. a proportionate attack.

I don’t understand proportionate. If someone does something wrong, you hit them back harder. Not proportionately. Only way to make the point: Stop whatever you are doing!

Two sad things happened on this day in history.

Lincoln was shot this day in 1865. Five days after the Civil War had ended. Lincoln died the next day.

The other is the Titanic hit the iceberg just before midnight on this day in 1912. Sunk 2.5 hours later.

I will be at Tosh’s memorial service at 4 and the reception afterwards. Tonight at 7, dinner with Donna and Terri.

Enjoy your day!



    • Snafu. I wrote it correctly. Failed to publish the column timely. What you read this morning is yesterday’s blog. I failed to hit the Publish button. Did not want to waste the blog so printed it this morning. What I wrote was correct when written, incorrect when published. The line “Lincoln was shot this day in 1865…..died the next day.” There will be another blog published today. I am presently working on it. Today’s blog. I will mention in it why two blogs in one day so as to avoid confusion.

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