Love wednesdays! The end of my work week. My friday night.

Writing consumes me. Love it! Especially research, the actual writing and editing. Certain days are heavy. I start saturday and run through tuesday evening.

Sunday and tuesday the busiest. The KONK Life column must be to the publisher by 5 on sunday. Takes me all day to do. After researching it on saturday. Tuesday is my blog talk radio show. Additional research, fine tuning the material, and doing the show in the evening.

Today is wednesday. The beginning of my weekly three day vacation.

Anti-gravity treadmill yesterday morning. Hogfish for lunch. I was able to get a seat. Not as many people. Fine tuned my blog talk radio show. Delivered the blog talk radio show in the evening.

I got into the Catholic Church last night. I am unhappy with the way the Cardinals and Bishops are treating him. He is being ignored. He says do something. They do not. They do what they want. I explored the problem.

Political campaigns cost money. I was into Bill and Hillary’s earnings from speaking engagements. Since 2001, $153 million. We should all be on the speaking circuit!

Syracuse/Louisville tonight at 7. Louisville a 7 point favorite. Dan, lets watch it together at Jack Flats. E-mail and let me know if we will be together. I will be bringing a guest.

The New York Times reported today that China has deployed surface to air missiles on an island in the South China Sea. Already some Congressmen are spouting…..We must do something!

Where have they been the past two years? China has been building islands from scratch in the China Sea. Placing air strips on them. Increased its naval vessel numbers beyond ours. Developed new surface to air missiles capable of hitting the US from one of the islands.

China could become an immediate problem if its problems with Japan are not resolved. Both nations are fighting over a series of islands. In the event of hostilities, the US  is bound by agreement to defend/help Japan.

Football czar Roger Godell received $34.1 million in compensation from professional football last year. Actually, he is paid directly by the owners who he continues to make rich.

This next topic is sure to arouse severe and adverse comment.

Recall General William Tecumseh Sherman’s March to the Sea. He burned and pillaged one community after another. With the full support of his military superior General Ulysses Grant and President Abraham Lincoln.

The philosophy behind such destruction was that it would end the war more quickly if Southern civilians felt the destruction personally.

This used to be the position of the US through World War II. Japan and Germany were left in ruins. We bombed the hell out of Germany. Dropped two atomic bombs on Japan.

Since World War II, the US has proceeded differently. Civilians must be protected. Avoid damage to civilians. Kill and wound them not.

I do not agree. I am of the opinion that the citizens of a nation have in one fashion or another placed their leaders in power and permitted them to remain in power.

Better the civilians die rather than our boys and girls.

Enjoy your day!



I watch Morning Joe every day. Religiously.

Joe’s opening lines this morning sort of paraphrased the title of my book. The World Upside Down.

Joe opened with…..”The world is upside down. The political world is upside down.” The reference to media handling of Trump. Anti-Trump pitch, incorrect quote reporting and failing to recognize the mood of the country.

I have had similar thoughts the past two weeks. The media seem to want to take control of the election. Influence the electorate. Not the way things are supposed to be done. An unencumbered free press delivers information to the people. Influencing/controlling not the media’s responsibility.

I am normally up and at the computer between 5 and 6 in the morning. Not yesterday. My Saturday night went so late that I overslept. Woke at 8:30. I had to hustle to get yesterday’s blog out.

Sunday is writing day for me. My weekly KONK Life column. It is due at the publisher’s by Sunday. This week’s article concerns a Hemingway love affair. His first. Titled Hemingway’s First Love. Took several hours.

It’s good! Sorry to say so myself. It tells the whole story. The tale does not end soon after Hemingway left Italy. It involves events which occurred in Key West in the 1960s following his death. Revealing.

Dinner at Roostica last night. Spaghetti with meatballs and sausage special. The sauce the closest to that which my mother and grandmother made. My only complaint is that pork pieces are not available. The pork falls apart in the Roostica preparation. Pork adds to the flavor of the sauce. I miss having  pieces to eat.

One thing I continue considering odd.  My people called sauce sauce. Everyone in Utica called it sauce. I never heard gravy till Roostica opened. I raised the issue with other Italian-Americans here in Key West. All only knew sauce as gravy. Interesting.

Terri White coming east! She has a solo performance scheduled at The Kennedy Center in New York City on October 16. I hope she and Donna can find the time to shoot down to Key West for a few days afterwards.

I have mentioned here and on my blog talk radio show several times this past year of China’s move into the South China Sea.

China has been in the business of what might be described as land reclamation. They are building small islands where water previously existed. The purpose to erect airfields on the islands. It greatly extends China’s ability to exert dominance in the area.

Also involved is China’s naval buildup the past five years. China has swiftly constructed a large navy. Superior to anything the U.S. can place in the area. Our Navy has not received sufficient funds in recent years. We are spread too thin to counter China’s buildup in the South Seas area.

Time to pay attention.

Ferguson in the news again. Yesterday was the one year anniversary of Michael Brown’s death. Seems just like yesterday. There were demonstrations. Police in battle equipment again.

Things got out of hand. A black was shot. He is dead.

Reports this morning tell us that some blacks were yelling…..We are at war!

Bothersome. Apparently things have not improved in Ferguson.

Enjoy your day!