This past weekend was Poker Run. Along the Keys. Racing down U.S. 1. Ending some 25 miles north of Key West at Boondocks Restaurant.

Key West no longer a part of Poker Run.

Poker Run a charity fundraising event. Bikers from all over come to Key West. Most ship their bikes to Miami and then ride them down the Keys. Good people most. Actually doctors, lawyers and Indian chiefs on a fun weekend. Many with their ladies perched behind them. Everyone attired Marlon Brando style.

Last year a problem arose. Two for real biker gangs came to town for the event. Bad guys. Each gang here to make claim to Key West as their turf. They came looking for trouble. A bloody fight ensued between them at a Greene Street bar.

Key West City fathers became concerned as a result. Set conditions for the Poker Run sponsor to meet. Conditions that would have obligated him personally for injuries and damages. He of course declined.

Marked the end of Poker Run in Key West.

Key West prepared for the onslaught of bikers in the event its refusal to have them was not recognized. Barricades and signs were placed the length of Duval where the bikers normally parked.

Now comes the anger. The Duval merchants. Clamoring over the loss of business. September slow. Some still hurting from Irma. Employees could use the extra money.

I do not condone the for real biker gangs. The bikers other than them were normal tourists, except for attire and mode of transportation.

Key West is changing, however. I am not sure I agree with the changes. Key West has its own flavors. Now, no nudity at Fantasy Fest, no Poker Run. We might very well be contributing to killing the goose that lays the golden egg.

Sloan spent a couple of hours with me yesterday. Resolved the computer problem about 80 percent. Problems reoccurred last night, though to a lesser degree.

Orchid Bar my first stop last night. Victor bartending. Knew Kevin would be there.

Two couples from North Carolina seated next to us. They got out of Dodge. Escaped Florence. Glad they did. Their community flooded. No way to return. They will wait out the time in Key West enjoying themselves till it is safe to return.

A smart move. Reminded me of Irma and Birmingham.

Then to the Rum Bar. Friend Lauri bartending. Art and George at the bar. No Donna and Terri. Both home recovering from bronchitis and colds.

A problem. Everyone lip kisses Terri. Cannot be permitted. Donna and Terri agree. They are returning to Terri banging elbows with people.

Bocce season has returned. Teams competing three weeks already. Don’s Place tied for 5th place with a 6-3 record. Not bad.

I miss playing.

Ever hear of Herkimer, N.Y.? A little town 12 miles from my home town Utica. The scene of Revolutionary War battles.

Back then, Herkimer was known as German Flats.

It was this day 1778. The fight for freedom raging. Local Iroquois and Mohawk Indians were fighting on the side of the British. Mohawk Indian Chief and British loyalist leader Joseph Bryant led  a surprise attack on German Flats. He led a force of 150 Iroquois Indians and 300 British loyalists in the attack.

Fortunately, the settlers became aware just before the attack that it was coming. They escaped to safety at nearby forts.

The Indians and British loyalists set fire to German Flats. Destroyed 63 homes, 57 barns, 3 grist mills, and 1 saw mill.

The Herkimer of today is much like Key West. Except for the Duval/tourist section. People pleasant. Conservative. Smaller in population. The County seat. I tried many cases in Herkimer County Supreme Court.

I worry about U.S. involvement in Syria. I mentioned certain of my concerns yesterday. I continue today.

Iran is a testing ground re U.S./ Russia relations. Both nations are bumping heads. Putin on the side of Assad, together with Iran. Trump on the side of the rebels, being encouraged by Saudi Arabia and Israel.

The area of conflict known as Ibid. The last al-Qaeda stronghold in Syria. The rebels al-Qaeda.

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard a Democrat from Hawaii. An Iraqi war veteran and a current Army reserve officer.

9/11 was last week. Two days following 9/11, the Congresswoman spoke on the floor of Congress. She called on Congress to condemn the Trump administration’s protection of the al-Qaeda in Ibid. She believes Trump’s policies are “a betrayal of the American people. Especially victims of al-Qaeda’s 9/11 attack.”

The Congresswoman wants military withdrawal and non-intervention in Syria. She claims Trump is seeking regime change.

Her position succinctly stated: Get out of Syria! Not our headache!

Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination hitting a few bumps in the road. The most recent the allegation of a Professor Christine Blasey Ford that Kavanaugh tried to attack her sexually when they were high school students. Kavanaugh adamantly denies the charge.

I assume Ford will get her day before the Committee this week.

If true, an isolated incident? Are there more sex abuse situations during Kavanaugh’s life? My experience indicates if there are more, now is the time they will come out of the wood work.

Even if no others appear, consider if Ford is believed. Such makes Kavanaugh a liar. Combine that lie with others it appears he made during his hearings. A liar on the Supreme Court?

An interesting week ahead.

Dueling Bartenders tonight. Kevin will probably meet me. Holly is out of state visiting her mother.

Enjoy your day!





BOB’s back! Last chapter. Titled: Not A Shot Fired.

BOB’s concern back in 1997 the same as the concern of many today. Government has to change. People deserve better.

The question is how to accomplish it.

Violence not the way. BOB’s suggestion “diversion.” Whatever that means. Will take a bit to analyze the concept.

Voting the key. However, candidates must be controlled. They must obey the will of whoever. Not sure yet what whoever is. Additional analysis required.

BOB says forget a third party candidate. Never works. BOB says of third party candidates, “Nothing more than a fart in the wind.”

BOB asked Bob Smith what he thought. Deep thinking Bob said, “M & M’s.”

“Chocolate candy?” BOB exclaimed. “Have you totally lost it? You’re to take over the entire government with chocolate candy?”

Bob responded, “Calm yourself. It’s the money and the media stupid.”

That is how far we go today. It will take several more writings to tie M & M’s, money and the media together. Plus some other Bob Smith sage thoughts.

Understand as we go through the last chapter that Bob considered government officials assholes.

Yesterday, a lazy sunday for me. Did nothing. Watched some golf and old Judy Garland movies.

Went out about 6. To the Rum Bar. Lauri bartending. George and Art, Ingrid, and a former Syracuse law professor and his wife who worked administration at Syracuse. They left and Donna and Terri came in. Donna and Terri had earlier been to 801. Terri sang karaoke.

We had a drink together. Terri in good spirits. She reminded me to pick her up at 1 today to take her to the eye Doctor.

The ladies wanted to have dinner. I was not that hungry. They were. I opted out. Told them I was going to stop at Sandy’s Cafe on the way home for a Cuban sandwich. They went I don’t know where.

Terri e-mailed me very late last night. She had just left the hospital. They were getting ready for bed at 10:30 when Terri complained of chest and back pain. She wanted to be taken to the hospital.

Terri had a heart attack 3 years ago. Prior to the onset of her cancer problems.

Donna reports no heart attack. Kept Teri overnight for precautionary reasons. Terri was resting well when Donna left.

I am waiting for Donna’s morning hospital report.

Tonight, Dueling Bartenders at Aqua. My two Virginia lovelies that I met last week e-mailed and said they would see me there tonight.

Gillian and Rozalyn. I cannot wait to hear the exploits of their Key West week. The girls intended to raise hell. Gillian was anxious to go topless at Garden of Eden.

Giuliani kept saying on Meet the Press yesterday that “truth isn’t truth.” I read somewhere this morning that after Trump was jailed, Giuliani could visit him and say to Trump “prison isn’t prison.”

Note, I do not expect Trump to go to prison. Impeached, yes. Jailed, no.

We don’t send former Presidents to prison. Though Trump keeps suggesting his Presidential opponent Hillary Clinton should be jailed.

Entitlement to rights can be taken a step too far. Not every one claiming rights is entitled to them. I refer specifically to prisoners. People in jail.

They are somehow organized and on the move. A Nationwide Prison Strike is scheduled to begin August 21 and end September 9. Seventeen prisons involved.

The prisoners consider themselves slaves. For example, they work for next to no wages. On August 21, 1831, Nat Turner led an uprising of slaves. Ergo, the August 21 starting date.

September 9 has significance in prison history. September 9 will be the 47th anniversary of the Attica prison rebellion.

During the strike, the prisoners will refuse to perform any type labor, they will engage in sit-ins and hunger strikes, and demand major reforms.

Ten demands. Included being paid the prevailing wage in their State or territory.

Prison type slavery, being required to work for nothing or next to nothing, is part of the 13th Amendment. The Amendment allows for “slavery or involuntary servitude… a punishment for crimes whereof the party shall have been duly convicted.”

Other demands include access to rehabilitation programs and an end to “death by incarceration.” Death by incarceration a life sentence without possibility of parole.

The prisoners wish to be “valued.”

Enjoy your day!


The U.S. and Turkey are supposedly friends. Both led by authoritarian figures. Trump and Turkey’s President Erdogan. Birds of a feather.

Turkey has always been considered a key American ally. The U.S. has a large military base there. There is also a NATO base.

Friends no more. A pissing match instead. Trump is irritated Erdogan will not release an American minister it has held prisoner since 2016. Trump suggested an exchange. Some Turkish citizen the U.S. has been holding.

Erdogan said no. No one says no to Trump. Especially another authoritarian figure. As far as Trump is concerned, it is his way or the highway as far as Turkey is concerned.

Turkey has been hurting economically. Its currency fell to a record low this morning. Inflation 17.75 percent. The country is on the verge of an economic meltdown.

Turkey’s crisis has made the American dollar strong when pitted against Turkish currency.

Friday Trump delivered a major blow to Turkey. All because Turkey continued to refuse his demand that the minister prisoner be released. Trump doubled the tariffs already imposed on Turkey as part of the tariff wars. Aluminum rose to 20 percent and steel 50 percent.

Trump tweeted friday with the news: “Our relations with Turkey are not good at this time!”

European and Asian stock markets have reacted to the tariff increases. The feud perhaps the start of a world wide recession similar to 2008. Though not considered imminent at this time. Turkey’s economy ranks only 17th world wide.

My concern is it only takes a spark to start a forest fire. One of the major California fires still burning a perfect example.

Trump is kicking a “friend” while the friend is down. Not what friends are for!

Now to my yesterday.

Brunch 10 to 12 at Hard Rock Cafe. Terri White was singing with Larry Baeder. A WOW! Great show! Performances outstanding! Be certain to go next week. Terri and Larry will regularly appear at brunch time every sunday.

For a blind woman, my girl does terrific!

Terri has another gig tonight. She is singing with Dueling Bartenders Tom Luna and Rick Dery at Aqua.

Go girl, go!

Spent the afternoon watching the PGA. Excellent golf. Brook Koepka won. By 2 strokes over Tiger Woods.

Brook has won 3 of the last 6 majors. Only 28. He has only one other win. A tour win. Unusual for someone who has won three big ones.

Tiger gets better every week. He is due back as a winner soon. And then a consistent one.

Tiger shot a 64 yesterday. His putting not yet what it was. Had a few dropped, he would have won.

On one of the last holes, he hit a 40 foot plus putt. It hung on the lip of the cup. Everyone holding their breaths waiting for it to drop. It did not.

Jean Thornton and I partied together last night. Began at the Orchid Bar. Victor bartending.

I meet a lot of interesting people. A couple I met at the Orchid Bar last night, one of the most interesting.

Dan and Pam. Now hail from Largo, Florida.

Dan is retired from the New York City Carpenter’s Union. Pam still working. Bookkeeper for general contractors.

Dan described two jobs he was especially proud of. One was the scaffolding when the Statue of Liberty was being shaped up. The other involved something to do with a major job at the UN where he had 80 men working under him.

Then to the Rum Bar. Jean and I not traveling together. Jean rides her bicycle all over town.

The Rum Bar will be a regular sunday stop for me. My friend Lauri the bartender there sunday evenings. Left Aqua after 17 years to work the Rum Bar.

With Lauri running the show, the Rum Bar is quickly becoming a new locals place. Donna and Terri, Sally, Ingrid, Art and George there when Jean and I arrived.

Jean and I decided on Antonia’s for dinner. Closed. Must be shut down for the slow days of August and September.

No problem. We went across the street to La Trattoria.

We had a terrific time! Jean a wonderful companion.

Tiffany bartending. She mentioned we have known each other for 25 years. True!

Dinner done. I was tired. Jean still raring to go. I went home. Jean peddled her bike to Vino’s.

The white nationals/supremacists were holding a major rally in Washington yesterday. Publicized Unite The Right 2. Turned out to be a flop. Only a small contingency of the group appeared.


These are bad people. Fascists, Neo-Nazis, and KKK members. They believe there is only one race. The white race.

They became empowered by Trump’s statement following Charlottesville last year. The President supported them. Seemed to legitimize them.

I think they realized though the President supported them, most of the people did not. The vermin disappeared back into the woodwork instead of participating in the rally.

This does not mean they will not return to raise havoc another day. They will. They are mostly young whites. Some are your neighbors, though you are not aware of their political leanings.

Be on your guard.

For the past several years, I have written and spoken re Afghanistan and its opium fields. Ninety percent of the heroin on American streets comes from the poppy seeds grown in Afghanistan.

How so if the U.S. has been engaged in a war in Afghanistan for 16 years? The poppy fields neither attacked or destroyed. Poppy farming goes on. Heroin a thriving business.

I have consistently suggested someone has to be on the take.  More than one. Too much drug money involved for it not to be so.

A recent government report indicates that as the Afghanistan war progressed, opium production increased. Even though the U.S., separate from war dollars, has spent $8.62 billion between 2002 and 2017 in an effort to eradicate the opium problem.

The attempt to eradicate an absolute failure. As the report stated: “Afghanistan remains the world’s largest opium producer, and opium poppy is the country’s largest cash crop.”

Enjoy your day!


Another immigration story. Involving a child. A 15 year old Honduran girl separated from her parents. She most recently has been kept at the Homestead Shelter for Unaccompanied Children. A detention center.

She escaped.

She ran down the streets of Homestead crying. Finally into a large auto shop. She cowered in a corner. Would not stop crying.

The owner was sympathetic. Everyone was sympathetic.

The girl was scared. Begged not to be sent back.

The police were called who in turn called Shelter officials. The girl was returned to the Shelter.

Ever to be seen again? To be treated well although she ran away? Will she disappear into the bureaucratic morass? Someone should track her existence to make sure no harm comes to her.

I cannot explain why, however I worry whether we are entering into a scenario similar to a returned escaped black in the South or a returned German concentration camp escapee. May sound crazy. However a lot of strange things have been occurring with regard to immigrants and their children in recent months. Nothing would surprise me.

I had planned to remain in last night. A restful evening in bed watching TV. Was not to be. Donna telephoned and said Terri would be singing with Larry Baeder at Blue Macaw.

Spent 3 hours at Blue Macaw with Donna and Terri. Terri her usual spectacular self. Larry Baeder always good.

It rained while we were sitting at the bar. Rain does not describe it. It poured! Then a strong wind. We were protected from the rain by the bar roof. The wind however began blowing the rain in sideways. Got slightly wet.

Key West weather was strange yesterday. The rain last night. The only rain of the day. At noon however, there was thunder. For about a half hour. The sun was shining. The thunder louder than normal. Real loud! One bang after another.

One of Key West’s most popular charity fundraisers is Schooner Wharf Bar’s Battle of the Bars. Next Sunday, the 25th anniversary of the event.

Key West bars participate. All kinds of fun and games whose purpose is to raise monies this year for the Southernmost Boys and Girls Club and the Sister Season Fund.

BOB’s next report concerns Bob Smith going “spiritual.”

Bob was kayaking in the back country. He was sitting on a beach eating lunch. The beach a part of a small uninhabited key.

I used to boat with Bob back when. He would take me out on his small sailboat. Always brought food. We would stop at some uninhabited key and lunch on the beach.

Bob saw a stone sticking up out of the sand. Square. Not small. A tablet. Later discovered to weigh 300 pounds.

There was writing chiseled on it.

Took Bob quite a while to dig it out. Then on the kayak to be brought to Key West. The 300 pound tablet almost sunk or tipped the kayak several times.

The tablet created quite a stir when it arrived in Key West. Bob glamorized it. Referred to the tablet as the “…..first of the new commandments…..Thou Shalt Not Start a Process Thou Cannot Reverse.”

Imagine the implications. Christian Churches were up in arms. Scientists wanted to test the stone.

Bob said no to testing. Shrugged his shoulders as to Church concern. He knew exactly what to do with the tablet. He wanted to place it over the bar at the West Indies Lounge. Nadine the owner would have not of it. She said no.

Bob thought Nadine did not see the value in exhibiting the tablet over the bar. Increased patronage would result. A bit of an upscale crowd. The wine list could be changed to show the better and more expensive stuff. Wine goblets purchased.

I don’t know what happened next. The story ends there.

Israel under Netanyahu has become too big for its britches. Netanyahu himself has turned into an authoritarian figure. One example is that Israel today is the world leader in assassinations.

Mossad is Israel’s secret police. Mossad generally does the assassinations. Since the end of World War II, Israel has been responsible for more deaths by assassination than any other country. Murders committed with more frequency in the past 10 years. Eight hundred during those 10 years.

The Jews suffered greatly at the hands of another authoritarian figure. Adolph Hitler. It seems Israel is adopting some of his methods.

Hot Dog Church at 4 at Aqua. I cannot make it. However, I plan to be at the Orchid Bar at 6 where Arthur will be bartending. Then  to the Rum Barrel where Lauri will be bartending.

Enjoy your Sunday!


I consider the Chart Room the crossroads of the world.

Last night met an Arkansas farmer and his wife at the Chart Room. Spence and Jenni. Jenni and I had met at the Chart Room two years ago. She had a copy of Irma and Me with her which I was pleased to sign. Jenni is a librarian.

More importantly, a loyal blog fan.

First time I met Spence. A third generation farmer. The farm lies in the Arkansas delta. He farms rice and soybeans. The operation significant. His cash flow $3 million a year.

He was happy to talk with me.

The tariff wars have been in effect in one place or another for two months. Spence’s cash flow is down 50 percent for those 2 months. A big hit! Anticipated it will get worse.

Spence knows his business. He is active in farm organizations. President of the Farm Bureau.

He is confused. The tariff wars should not be happening. The simple solution is to lift the new tariffs and get back to normal. Subsidies then not required.

An informative time with Spence. Educational for me.

Trump met with a representative of the European Union yesterday in the White House. Two hours. Tariffs the issue. Rose garden press conference afterwards. Kumbaya time. Everyone happy.

Trump announced victory. Reminded me of Kim and Trump’s press conference in Singapore. Kim and Trump happy. Denuclearization agreed to, etc. No details mapped out, however. Nothing has happened re North Korea since. Kim apparently fooled the President.

The EU and the U.S. have agreed to negotiate. Nothing more. As with North Korea, no details. Both indicated the goal was no tariffs.

Lets see what happens. No tariffs is pie in the sky.

Buried in the news last week was the meeting the European Union had with China. European Union representatives went to China. Not a 2 hour conference. A 2 day one.

Trump said soybeans and natural gas were high on the agenda. Europe would be buying more U.S. natural gas. Soybeans a given.

The natural gas thing a joke. It would take several years to materialize. Natural gas is a gas. There is no pipeline under the Atlantic to ship it overseas. The natural gas would have to be liquified. Need additional factories built to do it. Then transported on tankers yet to be built. Several years involved in getting everything accomplished and ready to deliver.

My first stop yesterday was actually in the morning. A doctor visit. The thing senior citizens frequently do.

My blood work, etc. all good. Within the numbers. Scares me. I am in the best shape in 40 years. Recently lost 40 plus pounds. No longer get winded.

The Rum Bar first last night. Lauri’s first time on the job. Wanted to show my support.

Got there at 6. No Lauri. Discovered she works 9 pm-4 am.

She is going to make a big dollar. I have not been in the Rum Bar in 10 years. Small inside. Small porch outside. The place was packed. At least 15 people. I have been told it is a popular late hour place for locals.

Then I hit the Chart Room where I was fortunate to meet Jenni and Spence. Kevin and Holly there, also. Chatted with them a while.

John bartending. The best in town.

My next stop was the Blue McCaw for something to eat. Wings. Great!

As I was finishing, Donna and Terri walked in. I remained a while and chatted with them.

My today begins at noon. Haircut time. Lunch afterwards at Sandy’s Cafe.

A lot of lying going on. Involving Trump one way or another.

Trump told us at one point the ladies accusing him of sex involvement were lying. All of them. We now learn that some have been paid. Perhaps all.

A great gig for women. If we are to believe Trump, lie and get paid for it.

Trump lies a lot. Does he get paid for it?

Enjoy your day!