A quiet soft-peddling day yesterday. Only time out of the house was for a walk in the morning.

Spent time working on tonight’s podcast. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Intended to go to Aqua for Dueling Bartenders. Changed my mind. Instead remained home and watched a movie I last saw 61 years ago in 1956.

The move to a new home brought with it new Comcast equipment. One item, the remote control. Appears to have access to everything.

One thing that excites me is I now speak to change channels. No clicking anything. Only problem is you have to know what you want to see. Either channel name or whatever name.

One of the whatevers is a movie selected by name.

I was playing around with the remote around 5. A learning process.

In 1956, I was a junior in college. I took several Russian history courses. One required a reading of Tolstoy’s War and Peace and thereafter a paper analyzing the novel. The paper 25 percent of the final grade.

War and Peace an opus. The paperback version 1,440 pages.

I was working two jobs at the time. Six to 10 hours a day, depending on the day. Taking 18 hours. Something had to give.

I cheated. Not the usual type cheating. Cheating never the less.

The War and Peace movie had just come out. About 3.5 hours. The movie long as was the book. I went to see the movie.

Then to the library. Read a very brief synopsis and several lengthy comments.

Made notes along the way.

The time finally arrived. The paper had to be written. Sat down at my portable Smith-Corona and went to work. My recollection is the paper was about 12 pages single spaced. Redid it twice to get everything right.

I received a B+ on the paper.

I was proud and did not feel guilty.

I enjoyed the movie War and Peace last night. I had only seen it that one time in 1956. The new remote and Comcast programming permitted it.

The reason I was never able to watch it on TV over the years was it never ran. Available today as a pay film. Only $3.99.

War and Peace involves a Russian family and Napoleon’s ill fated attack of Russia in 1812. The theme song especially enchanting.

I consider War and Peace the second best Russian film I have seen. The other, Dr. Zhivago. Never read Zhivago. However, it never required reading in any course I took.

Donald Trump and Donald Trump, Jr. have a propensity to lie. Must be an asset in the construction business. Not otherwise in life.

Lying always leads to trouble. The lies have to be expanded. Each to explain the previous.

Re lying, Abraham Lincoln and Mark twain said it well.

Lincoln said, “No man has a good enough memory to be a successful liar.”

Twain, “If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.”

As I used to tell juries in summation in cases where I had caught a witness in a significant lie: Woe the web we weave when first we seek to deceive.

I am a bit of a hypocrite this morning. I criticize the Trumps for lying when I cheated on a paper. Not comparable. However, both immoral.

Podcast time tonight. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou.

Topics include the cost of housing and the dying middle class, Venezuela currency collapse, proposed U.S. Space Corps, Bernie Sanders’ wife getting unfairly beaten up.

Also, my thoughts re FBI nominee Christopher Wray, millions in the process of fleeing Somalia and Sudan for Europe, the capture of the golf course crocodile, and Hemingway Days.

Interesting material. A fast moving half hour. Join me.

Enjoy your day!



Better than a television series! Donald Trump!

The most recent episode the disclosure of highly classified intelligence. To Russians, of course. Showing off? Trying to make whatever his relationship is with Putin more solid?

A man who calls Russia a friend and Canada an enemy gives me concern. Trump consistently treats our enemies as friends and friends as enemies.

He is President, not dictator. Maybe he would like to be a dictator.

Beware. The time could come when we have martial law. Troops in the streets.

An observation: The media is our savior. Without their investigations of Trump’s activities, we would be ignorant of the true facts.

I went to the Republican meeting last night at the VFW. Even though I am a Democrat. I wanted to hear Commissioner Mike Forster of Islamorada speak on why he wants Route 1 to become a toll road.

The public was invited. I am one of the public.

The meeting got started. Pledge of Allegiance. A few opening comments by the chairman. Then his apologies. Forster would not be attending. He forgot to invite him.

Such is life. I had to get out of the meeting. I did not belong there. Fifty feet to the door. I hung my head and tip toed towards the door.

Silence! Everyone looking at me. I looked up, smiled and said…..I’m a Democrat. Wanted to hear Forster.

Smiles and laughter accompanied me as I left.

I decided to stay at the VFW for dinner. Sat at the bar. Mike to my right. We talked most of the night.

We both have Christian Brothers backgrounds. He went to La Salle, I Manhattan. Got into basketball.

Mike is night manager at Hogsbreath. We spoke of George, a friend of both Lisa and I who has bartended at Hogsbreath for years.

He suggested I order the braised ribs sandwich. Did. Wow! Delicious! Yesterdays ribs between freshly baked ciabatta bread. Cheese, onions, etc, also.

A young man to my left was discussing Isaiah Thomas with a friend. I interjected that Thomas was the last selected in the NBA draft his year. Number 60. He looked at me as if I was crazy.

He was drafted #60. Hard to believe!

I was told the VFW kitchen was now operated by La Trattoria. The food overall must be good!

I learned for the first time this morning that Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough were engaged about ten days ago. Stars of the Morning Joe Show. Theywere vacationing in the South of France when he popped the question.

I have been watching Morning Joe religiously for years. Could see the closeness developing. Wonder if the engagement/marriage will affect their relationship when Joe yells or puts Mika down. As he is prone to do.

My blog talk radio show tonight at 9. Join me. Topics interesting. Trump, of course. Also, new kinds of GMOs, whites sub-human, a Venezuela update, and more.

Enjoy your day!


It rained yesterday. First time since a week ago sunday. We had rain the days before 99L. Not sure even as a result of 99L. Then the day 99L or a tropical storm was to hit, no rain.

Spent yesterday fine tuning last nights blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou.

One of the opening topics was Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte calling Obama the “son of a whore.”

I spoke at length about Duterte two weeks ago on the show. Referred to him as the Philippine Trump. Primarily because he was evidencing a foul mouth.

Why Duterte opted to defecate on Obama is difficult to understand. China is pushing the Philippines around. Specifically, the South China Sea. The Philippines have a next to nothing Navy and Air Force. We are their number one protector and arms supplier. Duterte is biting the hand that feeds him.

Poker Run around the corner. September 15-18. Ten thousand bikers will be in town. The roar of the bikes and the roar of the crowds!

Trump never ceases to amaze me. His comment yesterday was that his temperament was his “single greatest asset.”

Syracuse/Louisville friday night. Louisville ranked #13. I look forward to the game. Syracuse has a new coach and new offense.

Louisville a 14 point favorite.

Today is wednesday. Screw off day for me. The first day of my three day weekend. Other than my daily blog, no writing.

I have a manicure scheduled this morning and Back Door at cocktail time. There will be more as the day progresses.

Enjoy your day!


Back again!

Normalcy has returned!

First stop yesterday morning was Verizon. The old one in the Winn Dixie Shopping Center. Good people. I know. I have done business with both Verizons in Key West. The other a rip off. Not caring with help once you have bought.

Then to Publix. Out of food again.

I sense a silent raise in prices again. Everything costs $5 or $10. Bill runs up at that rate.

The lead up last week to this week’s Republication Convention was primarily re anticipated protestors/demonstrators. Police officers from all over the country came in to deal with the protestors. Five thousand officers.

How much have you heard since the Convention began monday? Next to nothing. Perhaps nothing. Seems as if the media has blocked out any news re the protestors.

Wrong! Protests part of the news. Especially the past two years. What is happening is selective reporting. The American people being denied the right to know.

I dug into the internet this morning. The protestors are in Cleveland. In large numbers. A few altercations. Nothing of consequence. Some arrested. Two police sustained minor injuries. Urine thrown around.

Some one videoed the street scene. I watched a portion of the video this morning. A street fair. Demonstrators walking around. Booths selling all kinds of things. Delegates walking through the crowds.

Cleveland’s Chief of Police says everything going well, under control. He is correct. By not giving the protestors a national/international stage, Cleveland has discouraged them from demonstrating their causes.

The peace and quiet could end today. If not, such will only cause the protestors to find another venue in the near future to express their positions.

Being stripped of land line telephone, internet and TV tuesday night, I was unable to do my blog talk radio show. Being a political junkie, I wanted to see the Republican Convention. Drove downtown. Stopped at several places. None showing the Convention. All watching baseball games.

I could not win.

Monday night I was at Aqua for the Dueling Bartenders. Tom Luna and Beatrice singing. Magnificent!

Josey at the bar. A terrific new friend recently made. We chatted two hours.

Josey taking a three week trip in September. To her home country Macedonia. A couple of neighboring countries. Then, one whole week in Greece.

I envy her!

The subject matter of next week’s KONK Life column decided. Bagels! Will not be boring! Guaranteed!

Last week’s column was The New Prostitution. Has caused talk. Primarily among women. Those in the 40-60 year old bracket.

No matter how the subject matter is portrayed, to each it was nothing less than prostitution. Nothing justified the prostitution in their opinions. I countered to each the fact that the ladies would graduate debt free, have no long term college loans to pay, etc. Made no difference. Sin is sin. Wrong, wrong. No justification for prostitution.

Interesting. I wish some younger ladies had approached me with their thoughts.

Each woman who sought me out to talk were mothers.

My birthday was July 6. Still being celebrated. Donna and Terri are taking me to lunch at Hogfish today for my birthday.

Enjoy your day!



The Chinese have a saying that one picture is worth a thousand words. That picture was on view for all to see yesterday. It was Trump’s press conference re the Vet’s money and the media.

Trump came across. His best yet. His worst performance. The man is crazy. Lacks stability. He is not Presidential timber.

I am in a quandary. Hillary does not turn me on either.

What to do? The third party candidate, if there is one? Does not move me.

My choice continues to be not to vote.

I paid for my weekend laziness yesterday. Normally, I research and write my tuesday night blog talk radio show on monday. I took monday off. A mistake. I had to work my ass off yesterday to get ready for last night. From 10-5.

The material was terrific. Touched many issues. The show went well. Moved smoothly. I mention the show went well, smoothly, etc. because sometimes it does not. It is not the material. It is the connection between the issues. They have to run smoothly one after the other.

Today is scheduled already. Busy. A manicure in the early afternoon. Then two David Wolkowsky interests. David asked me to join him.

David annually gives Key West’s outstanding teacher $25,000. The five or so runner ups, $5,000 each. The rewards event is this afternoon at the Key West Library.

Then at 5, the Custom House is having a special showing of 71 Mario Sanchez bag drawings. The 71 drawings are all from David’s collection.

Perversion in the Keys. In the Upper Keys. Someone placed camera’s in three women’s restrooms. Anne’s Beach, Harry Harris Park, and a Circle K. In coat hooks resembling hangers.

The Sheriff’s Department is investigating. County facilities were immediately inspected. Nothing found. From this time forwarded, all have been placed on a schedule for routine inspection.

I have been talking and writing about Venezuela for four yeas. President Nicholas Maduro is pure incompetence. Four years ago, his country ran out of toilet paper. The people still do not have enough. Nor food at the present time.

Inflation spiraling wildly upward. A dozen eggs costs $150. Experts predict inflation hitting 720 percent by October. Some predict 1,200 percent by year’s end.

Enjoy your day!



Progress/forward movement occurring on the lower end of Duval.

Free WiFi. Lower Duval and Mallory Square. Refer to Connect Key West. Purportedly available to locals only.

Irish Kevin’s has an upstairs. Recent grand opening held. If half as much fun as downstairs, it is a winner.

I am not sure an upstairs to a popular bar works. Sloppy Joe’s opened one several years ago. I have not been in years because when I went it was dead. I am not sure how it is today. It may not even be open.

Erika proving fickle. A tropical storm. Now predicted will turn into a hurricane. All indications are it will come over Key West. Several days from now. Locals will not be concerned yet.

My blog talk radio show last night. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. One problem after another.

I sat down in my recliner at 5 to watch the news for a half hour. Fell asleep. Woke at 7:30. Meant no dinner at Roostica.

Took me 10 minutes to connect with the studio. Technical difficulties at the studio end. Frustrating. I finally was live on air at 9:10 rather than 9.

There was a sign on the computer screen telling me the studio was experiencing technical difficulties. Went on after I was on the air.

It was my option to proceed or shut down. I opted to proceed because some times a problem is miniscule and the show can be heard.

Not last night. I was not aware during the show what a disaster it had become. Reception terrible. Lot of cracking. Almost impossible to hear. I received a number of comments afterwards to the effect.


The only saving value is that most of the material can be used next week.

I was especially disappointed that three topics could not be heard. The rise of Neo-Nazism in Germany, whole bodies being sold by Planned Parenthood, and Mama Bear and five Cubs enjoying a family pool in New Jersey.

My yesterday pleasant. Walked Duval, lunched at home, fine tuned last night’s show, and spent some time working on the love story. I am not sure it is love. However, it is interesting. I am questioning whether the final product will be worthy of publication.

The Donald Trump/Jorge Ramos situation last night proves a point. At least from my perspective.

I watch MSNBC. Following the confrontation, the MSNBC news talk shows were all down on Trump. This morning on Morning Joe, Joe, Mika and everyone else were on Trump’s side. Forgiving. Morning Joe is an MSNBC show.

Is this the media controlling the news? Influencing what we hear? I believe last night’s pundit comments were legitimate. This morning’s not. Between last night and this morning, I fear the powers to be sent out the word. Soft pedal the Trump thing, don’t beat Trump up, etc.

Another disappointment was that very few of the reporters took up Ramos’ cause in subsequent questions to Trump. Cowards? Fearful?

One of Trump’s security skillfully escorted Ramos out of the room. A big guy. Ramos small in comparison.

Megyn Kelly returned to work yesterday. Trump issued a statement referring to her as a “bimbo.”

Similar actions occurred in the past in other countries.

My concern factor is on the rise. Trump may be dangerous.

Enjoy your day!





Island living can’t be beat. Especially if the island is Key West!

This summer has been exceptional. The weather outstanding. Tourists many. Everyone happy. If there is a negative, it is the humidity. A bit heavy. To be expected. You get use to it after a while, however. Requires an extra shower most days.

Roostica celebrated its third anniversary monday. How quickly time moves. Seems the restaurant opened only yesterday.

Bobby Mongelli presently owns three Stock Island eateries. Roostica, Hogfish and Geiger Key. Rumor has it that he is contemplating a fourth on Stock Island.

I enjoyed dinner at Roostica last night. Ran into some bocce fans. They do not play. However show up every thursday evening to cheer teams on.

The new bocce season begins tomorrow night. Going to be interesting. We will be short staffed. People away. Only 5 players expected. I may have to play three games. I have not in years.

I spent yesterday afternoon fine tuning last night’s blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou.

The show was limited to police incidents. Ferguson motivated. Sunday was one year since the Michael Brown shooting. Followed up Ferguson with several recent police incidents. Ended the show analyzing possible solutions.

Ferguson this year was marred with another shooting. Tyrone Harris.

My concern is with Oath Keepers. A citizen’s military group. Comprised of present and former military and law enforcement persons. A vigilante type group. Wearing military fatigues and carrying weapons.

They were all over Ferguson. The police did not interact with them. Local police were waiting for instructions from upstairs which never came.

Keep your eye on Oath Keepers. A bad situation developing. They are a law unto themselves.

Key West in recent months has had several changes suggested/under consideration. The most recent a proposed $115,000 study to see what could be done to improve Duval Street.

Turns out these recent ideas are the brain child of Thaddeus Cohen. Cohen is Key West’s new Planning Director. He has been on the job less than four months.

Cohen’s approach to the job appears to be too much too soon. Change for the sake of change is not wise. If something works, leave it alone. Do not waste money on studies Key West can ill afford. It has recently been advised Key West taxes will go up significantly as a result of the new budget..

Freedom of the press is being abused. The media is ignoring Bernie Sanders. He is bringing out crowds in the thousands. Little is reported. It gives one the feeling the media has decided who the players should be and are intentionally ignoring an upstart such as Sanders.

Trump, an upstart also, is getting great media play on the other hand.

It is wrong for the media to pick and choose candidates for us.

I am on in my years. A life time of living makes for a big experience factor. I have learned all that glitters is not gold.

China based stocks on U.S. exchanges had been doing well till recently. Extremely well. I gave serious consideration to investing in some. Glad I did not. The Chinese stocks have fallen dramatically since mid June.

Enjoy your day!




I watch Morning Joe every day. Religiously.

Joe’s opening lines this morning sort of paraphrased the title of my book. The World Upside Down.

Joe opened with…..”The world is upside down. The political world is upside down.” The reference to media handling of Trump. Anti-Trump pitch, incorrect quote reporting and failing to recognize the mood of the country.

I have had similar thoughts the past two weeks. The media seem to want to take control of the election. Influence the electorate. Not the way things are supposed to be done. An unencumbered free press delivers information to the people. Influencing/controlling not the media’s responsibility.

I am normally up and at the computer between 5 and 6 in the morning. Not yesterday. My Saturday night went so late that I overslept. Woke at 8:30. I had to hustle to get yesterday’s blog out.

Sunday is writing day for me. My weekly KONK Life column. It is due at the publisher’s by Sunday. This week’s article concerns a Hemingway love affair. His first. Titled Hemingway’s First Love. Took several hours.

It’s good! Sorry to say so myself. It tells the whole story. The tale does not end soon after Hemingway left Italy. It involves events which occurred in Key West in the 1960s following his death. Revealing.

Dinner at Roostica last night. Spaghetti with meatballs and sausage special. The sauce the closest to that which my mother and grandmother made. My only complaint is that pork pieces are not available. The pork falls apart in the Roostica preparation. Pork adds to the flavor of the sauce. I miss having  pieces to eat.

One thing I continue considering odd.  My people called sauce sauce. Everyone in Utica called it sauce. I never heard gravy till Roostica opened. I raised the issue with other Italian-Americans here in Key West. All only knew sauce as gravy. Interesting.

Terri White coming east! She has a solo performance scheduled at The Kennedy Center in New York City on October 16. I hope she and Donna can find the time to shoot down to Key West for a few days afterwards.

I have mentioned here and on my blog talk radio show several times this past year of China’s move into the South China Sea.

China has been in the business of what might be described as land reclamation. They are building small islands where water previously existed. The purpose to erect airfields on the islands. It greatly extends China’s ability to exert dominance in the area.

Also involved is China’s naval buildup the past five years. China has swiftly constructed a large navy. Superior to anything the U.S. can place in the area. Our Navy has not received sufficient funds in recent years. We are spread too thin to counter China’s buildup in the South Seas area.

Time to pay attention.

Ferguson in the news again. Yesterday was the one year anniversary of Michael Brown’s death. Seems just like yesterday. There were demonstrations. Police in battle equipment again.

Things got out of hand. A black was shot. He is dead.

Reports this morning tell us that some blacks were yelling…..We are at war!

Bothersome. Apparently things have not improved in Ferguson.

Enjoy your day!