Medical science’s greatest contribution to the male sex life has been Viagra. Women got cheated. Even with the advent of a female viagra which apparently was not that successful.

Now comes the O-Shot. The Orgasm Shot. The claim is the O-Shot gives women better orgasms.

The shot is one year old. Developed by a doctor in England. Being used increasingly to provide women with the capacity for orgasms where the ability did not previously exist and to other women the ability to increase the potency and number of orgasms.

A 45 minute procedure, the O-Shot is non-surgical. Blood is taken from the patient’s arm. Placed in a special centrifuge. The centrifuge provides high quality Platelet Rich Plasma.

The Platelet Rich Plasma is then injected into the woman’s vaginal walls, G-spot, labia, and clitoris. The result, increased blood flow to those areas. The increased blood flow increases sexual arouseness, desire, and mind blowing orgasms.

The procedure may only be available in England at this time.

The Key West Half Marathon run yesterday. Rotary sponsored. Four thousand three hundred sixty two runners.

Bill Amirault one of the runners. Forty five years old. Ran last year. He was in sight of the finish line when he had a heart attack. Fortunately, three medical specialists were nearby who gave him immediate CPR.

He ran again this year. With one of the medical specialists running next to him. He finished the race this time.

The weather continues to be cold. Key Westers wearing everything in the closet. We are never prepared for the cold. Last night in the 50’s. Today’s high 60 with tonight in the 50’s.

In spite of the cold, I went to Hot Dog Church yesterday afternoon. The lesbian sunday afternoon get together at Aqua. I go as a guest of my lesbian wives, Donna and Terri.

The event was moved inside because of the cold to Aqua’s relatively new Side Bar. The back room of the Side Bar the meeting place.

About 25 ladies. Most gay. Elderly. Two other men besides me. Friends, Art and George. Partners more than 25 years.

Hot dogs and chili the menu.

Enjoyed myself. Good conversation.

Laurie was bartending. She was excited when she saw me. Exclaimed, “I read the book!” Irma and Me. She enjoyed it. I believe her.

There had been a fetish party in the back room the night before. We were seated in a circle chatting with three large X crosses behind us. Left from the party the night before.

Since it was my first time in the room, I asked Donna what went on in the room. She laughed. Remaining, not removed yet, from a private party the evening before.

I left to go to dinner. The game plan was Tavern ‘n Town as the night before. The prime rib works perfectly on the diet.

No room at the bar! Went home and grilled two hamburgers.

Most of our elected representatives are quick to sell their souls. The most recent being the meeting Trump and some officials attended where Trump is alleged to have said “shithole countries.”

Republican Senators Cotton and Perdue deny such was said. As does House Majority Leader McCarthy. Senator Durbin and Senator Graham said it did occur.

Trump’s language bad enough. Those denying the words were said even worse.

What have we come to? What happened to truth? Morality? Setting an example for our youth?

Trump’s words consistent with past statements suggesting he is a racist and bigot.

During my lifetime, I have run into a number of bigots. One thing always stuck out. Each was not aware he was a bigot. They were blind to it. Considered themselves the best of people, caring for all equally and justly. One was a judge. Judgment rendered in most cases dependent on the ethnicity of the attorneys.

Trump was on the golf course in Florida when the Hawaii mistake occurred. Thirty eight minutes expired from the alarm to the announcement it was false. When did Trump become aware during that time? How did he react?

He’s the person with the big button. What were his reactions?

We should know.

No one seems concerned. I can’t believe it. I sense the issue is being avoided.

I mentioned yesterday or the day before the shortage of saline solution bags and other bags containing rehydration liquids. The reason being the biggest supplier was a plant in Puerto Rico. Severely damaged by Maria.

The flu season is upon us big time. Doctors and hospitals are scratching for rehydration substitutes. One is Gatorade. Drunk orally, if the patient can do it. If not, gets into the patient’s body via a feeding tube directly into the stomach or small intestine.

Enjoy your day!





Many times it has been said…..In my next life, I want to be a dog. Most dogs have eternally been well treated by their owners.

Such may soon change. A cow’s life may be a better. A milking cow’s life.

Yesterday’s Wall Street Journal carried an enlightening article on the new Dairy Queens.

A happy cow apparently is a cash cow. Dairy Queens produce more milk!

It is a new life for milk cows. Soothing classical music is played in milking rooms, fans and sprinklers to mimic spring breezes, robotic back-scratching sessions. Plus, manure clean floors and climate controlled barns. Cows milked when they want to by robotic machines. Perhaps the best, cows sleep on water beds.

Farmers believe cow cuddling to be critical. Free from stress.

It’s goodbye to a dog’s life, hello to a cow’s life!

My day began with a haircut with Lori. Always interesting. Fifteen years now she has been cutting my hair. Then I had hair. No more today. A once over with #1 on the electric razor and I am done.

Lori never wants to charge me. She says she does nothing. I always leave her $20. It makes me feel like I still have a head of hair.

Harpoon Harry’s for lunch. Hot turkey sandwich. Read the papers. Followed by a walk around the waterfront.

Last night at 6 at the Tropic cinema, the lecture I have been waiting for. The Jewish Underground Rail Road in Key West. The room was packed.

Primarily those of Jewish extraction. I may have been the only gentile. While waiting for the doors to open, a Jewish friend asked if I was waiting to see a movie. No, I told him. The lecture. He looked at me with a some what surprised expression.

I would like to say the lecture was fantastic! Off the wall! I cannot. I slept through the whole thing. For shame!

I dozed off as it was starting. Woke during the question/answer period. Fortunately, I sat in the last row end seat. The only one who knew I was sleeping was the woman next to me.

From the question/answer period. Stalin was anti-Semitic. He killed and threw Jews out of eastern Europe countries controlled by him through the 1920s.

America was anti-Semitic during the same years. Warren Harding in 1921 and Calvin Coolidge in 1924 had legislation passed limiting Jewish immigration. I have to add, Italian also.

History records both immigration laws as rigging the system against Jews.

Don’t ask me how the Jews got to Key West. I slept through that portion. However once here, there were underground tunnels in Key West. they hid and/or were moved through them to safety.

After the lecture, it was off to the Chart Room. Congenial John bartending. Ken and Alice there. Two people who worked hard, raised a family and now have almost totally settled in Key West. Purchased a home on White Street. Both always good company.

Things I learn. Gatorade is a Florida discovery. It was conceived in a University of Florida lab in 1965.

Today is Joseph’s birthday! Joseph, former manager of Hot Tin Roof. He and I are celebrating his birthday together tonight at Berlin’s.

Enjoy your day!




I enjoyed a rare meal last night. Octopus. Not squid/calamari.

The last time and only time I ate squid was on my Greek trip where I failed in attempting to climb the Santorini volcano. My poor body could not make it up the hill. I thought I was going to die.

The boat did not return to Oia immediately. It took us to a very small island. One tiny white stone house.Extremely small.  A larger white stoned bathroom building.

A husband and wife living on the island.

We had stopped for lunch. The couple’s place was the only game in town. The menu limited. Octopus and wine.

The octopus was a baby one. About three feet in diameter. Cooked on a large outdoor grill. The charcoal type we use in the U.S. The husband  kept basting the octopus with oil.

I was served a chunk of one of the tentacles. I would judge it was cut from the middle of a tentacle or closer to the body. About ten inches. One and a half to two inches in diameter. The skin a quarter of an inch thick. The center hollow and empty.

Absolutely delicious! Tender! Tasty!

I heard Bruschetta had octopus. Decided to stop and have some last night. Ordered it without looking at the menu.

Not quite the same as the Greek one. Size only. What I was served last night was the end of the tentacle. Slender. Totally filled with meat. The tiny suction cups part of the meal. A bit gross. Did not recall them on the island.

About 15 inches in length. Every inch a delight! I enjoyed each morsel. The taste the same as on the island.

For dessert, I enjoyed Sicilian cassata.

An outstanding meal!

Previous to Bruschetta’s, I was at the Chart Room.

A bunch from Philadelphia. Ate the hot dogs. John had to replenish the supply.

Chatted with one of the guys. He was very interested in the Chart Room. I explained David Wolkowsky’s  involvement. Threw in the Jimmy Buffett story.

Then asked since he was from Philadelphia, did he know Rittenhouse Square. Of course, a big Philadelphia deal. I then shared with him that Wolkowsky was responsible for its rejuvenation and what it is today. He was amazed. He did not know.

A couple at the end of the bar from London. Sixtyish. John and Marie. We chatted a while. Nice people. Interesting people.

John a retired London cab driver. The stories he had to tell! Drove a lot of movie stars. The nicest was Lauren Bacall.

Marie still working. An accountant with Zippo. The lighter company. They have a London facility.

I got into my Beefeater problem. Could find it at only one bar when in London several years ago. He was not surprised. Depends what the liquor distributors are pushing.

We talked about London food. Excellent! The London theater, also. Equally excellent!

About plane travel in Europe. Not like the U.S. Cheap. Meals on most flights. All the booze you want. Polite staff.

Trump watch out! Mueller will follow you to the ends of the earth! If you are guilty of any wrongdoing, he will discover it.

Tonight, a Custom House lecture. The Jewish Underground Key West 1918-1939. A large crowd expected. It is being held at the Tropic Cinema.

Have to move my ass. I have a haircut appointment with Lori this morning. Following which a visit to Farmers Market to pick up a few things.

I do pretty good for a bachelor.

Enjoy your day!