Could not have been a better game! Neck and neck. Cavaliers finally winning 93-89.

Typical of me, I fell asleep with six minutes left in the game. Woke after trophies were given out.

My congratulations to Lynda and Bob Frechette. Home in Cleveland in time for the game.

LeBron James impressed me. Not only for his playing. For his apparent kindness and humility. A great!

Late morning, I visited Donna and Terri at their new abode. Lovely. A mini plantation.

Their new home packed with unopened boxes. Still unpacking. Could take another month. That much stuff.

Cupboards empty again. No time to waste. Could not stop at Publix. Picked up a Submarine and headed home. Where I quickly devoured the sandwich.

I had to get out this week’s KONK Life column. It took six hours. Titled Napoleon 2 Xs. Sort of a lead up to what makes heroes. Not mosquitoes and hemorrhoids.

Caught the last hour of the U.S. Open.

Dinner time. Still no food in the house. Did Chinese delivery. Egg rolls and shrimp egg foo yong.

An accurate observation in this morning’s Citizens’ Voice. Pertaining to the Key West City Commission. “The inmates are running the asylum – we need new leadership.”

Front page this morning’s Key West Citizen. Re the proposed constructions on Rockland Key. Includes a Walmart and 312 units of affordable housing.

A $14.6 million deal. Developers already paid $700,000 in deposits.

The deal was entered into in 2021. Developers want out. They also want to keep the $700,000.

Word on the street is that property values have risen considerably and the developers want a new deal reflecting the property’s increase in value.

Trump wants to profile Muslims. Shades of Hitler. Trump crazy and dangerous.

Enjoy your day!



Mario Sanchez, one of Key West’s greatest artist! A world wide reputation.

Many of his works will be exhibited for several weeks at the Custom House. The show’s opening this evening.

More than 70 pieces from the collection of David Wolkowsky a part of the exhibit.

I plan on attending.

Prior to the exhibit, I have an appointment with Dr. Mc Ivor to get my test results.

My evening yesterday began at 5 with Tammy. Needed a manicure.

Tammy’s 9 year old son had emergency appendectomy surgery last week. He is doing well.

Then to Don’s Place. cCatted with Don and David. Shane joined us.

I had to pull Don out so we could go to dinner. Don may be able to do without food. I cannot.

We ate at the outside bar at La Te Da. Tonto bartending. A business discussion. We compared the operations of a bar and law office. Interestingly, many similarities. Business is business.

I was home at 9. In time for the Cavaliers/Warriors game. Great basketball. If you are a Cleveland fan. I am. Next, game 7. The world championship on the table. One game for all the marbles.

I did not fall asleep during the game.

The Monroe County Sheriff’s Department will have its officers wearing body cameras beginning monday. A good move. All police departments should require body cameras.

My KONK Life column this week The Rape of Social sScurity. Sounds boring. Not. Extremely interesting and revealing. Everyone should read.

The column was posted on this morning’s KONK E-Blast.

Bernie Sanders ran the good race. The way it is. He should stop his campaigning or whatever he calls it. When you lose, you step back. He does not seem to know how.

He tried to climb Mt. Everest. Failed. The last 100 feet were too much for him. His effort respected.

Enjoy your day!