The Key West City Commission voted  to place a curfew on the New Year’s Eve weekend. Beginning friday 12/31 through sunday 1/2. Ten pm and the evening is over. The streets will be swept of humans by police and other officials to assure there is total cooperation.

I agree with the action taken by the City Commission. Key West has been taking a beating with the pandemic.

I might add this is the first time the Commission has acted properly as far as I am concerned. Up to this time, they have danced to tunes suggested by the bar and restaurant owners.

One restaurant owner has already advised he will not obey the curfew directive.

The hotels may have a problem. Already 93 percent booked for the weekend. That translates into just under 50,000 guests. The hotels generally have a no cancellation policy for holiday weekends. Payment is made in full when the reservation is made. I would be surprised if they relented and returned booking fees to any who ask for them. It has not been hotel policy to do so in the past.

Three locations in Key West are comparable to New York City’s Times Square on New Year’s Eve. The Bourbon Street Pub, Sloppy Joe’s and Schooner Wharf. Duval, nearby intersections and parts of the waterfront packed.

Will Sushi drift down sitting in the classic shoe? The pirate wench down the ship’s mast? If so, what time? Obviously has to be earlier. Does 9 o’clock fit?

The war between Commission and bars and restaurants is an ongoing one. One where tough decisions are required to be made on both sides.

Some recent coronavirus numbers.

Yesterday, Florida topped 1 million cases.

Yesterday also, Monroe County had 3,515 new cases. One thousand seven hundred were in Key West. Key West is continuously the city getting hit with numbers far in excess of others in Monroe County. Key Largo was the next highest yesterday and days before. Four hundred fifty five yesterday.

No comparison.

Numbers are also provided for the number of coronavirus patients in the Lower Keys Medical Center. Only 5 yesterday. Sounds good. However, the number does not reflect the number of Key West sick requiring hospitalization. Most are helicoptered to Miami hospitals.

Trump is performing again this evening. A Victory Rally in Valdosta, Georgia. Newsmax is carrying it live.

I assume Trump is there to support the 2 Republicans in the Senate run off January 5. I am willing to bet most of his talk will address his personal thoughts and reactions regarding his Presidential defeat. Something we have all heard many times before.

In the last 20 years, China seems to move more swiftly than the U.S. and Russia.

China is massively expanding its Weather Modification Program. Claims it will be able to cover half of the country with artificial rain and snow by 2025. Droughts and hail storms will be eliminated in the areas covered.


“Cloud seeding” is a U.S. discovery. In 1946, a General Electric chemist discovered the process. It would appear the U.S. and Russia have not proceeded to the extent China has, however.

Nuclear war is making a comeback.

The movers are the U.S., China and Russia. Each has been working on developing further their nuclear positions: “New weapons and new ways of using old ones.”

This day 1933,  America danced in the streets! The 21st Amendment had been ratified. Prohibition was over.

Today in 1896 was May and Everest’s last day together for a while. He had to leave Key West tomorrow to return to wherever he worked.

On this their last day together, May and Everest got together after school. Later she wrote, “We were in the sitting room on the sofa until 11 o’clock” when he had to leave, “parting is such sweet sorrow.”

“I wonder when I’ll see him again, oh, it was so hard to let him go.”

Earlier in the day, Laura and Louisa were mad at Everest. They told May he had insulted them “because he didn’t help them across the mud puddle… they had to walk over it.” May found her friends’ plight humorous.

Enjoy your day!





  1. Trump recycled his standard lies at that Georgia rally: guns, socialism, religion, rigged election, police, etc. I think he missed the war on Christmas.

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