translation services It's the little things that are important. Paving Simonton street beginning February 18 is one. Simonton is a major Key West thoroughfare. I travel it every time I go to the Chart Room. For several years, it has been a mess. Not potholes like up north. The road merely sinks in spots. Just as bad as a pothole. I have complained off and on for several years. Fix Simonton! To no avail. My voice one in the wilderness. Finally, it will begin. I am thrilled. Excited. That is how much the repair work is needed and how happy I and others will be. The ultra right continues to insult those on the left. Demean and speak poorly of liberals. Ann Coulter's "liberalism is a mental disorder" is on the move again. An informal survey was done by an outfit called Slate Star Code. More than 8,000 surveyed. The survey found left wing … Read More →