First, it was ripping babies from their mothers’ arms. Now, tear gassing children barefooted and diapered.

You are a big man Mr. President. A bully.

Next bullets fired and immigrant parents and children killed and wounded?

What could be expected of a people who have walked 2,000 miles in hope of gaining admission to the U.S. The beaming light at the top of the hill is growing dim.

If I had walked 2,000 miles, I would have run up the hill trying to get into the U.S. as were the asylum seekers. Persons having every right to enter the U.S., be interviewed by a Judge to determine if they might be eligible for asylum status, and then given a date to return.

In the meantime, you are trying to “buy” Mexico to help with “our” problem. The money being offered will have to be gigantic to bribe the new Mexican officials to go along with any arrangement.

The backlog of asylum cases is estimated at 1 million with a projected time of 2 years to be heard. You and your predecessors should have appointed more Judges years ago to work the problem.

One more thing my President, you are solely responsible for the critical situation now existing at the border. You have created it with your thrusting fear into the hearts of some Americans about the bad immigrants on their way to hurt us. A falsehood you well knew and continue to know.

You did the same thing with Kim Jung Un. Got into a pissing match with him. Names exchanged. War possible. Suppose Kim decided to drop a nuclear device on South Korea or the U.S. instead of meeting with you? It was possible. Hundreds of thousands dead because of your ill equipped mind.

People are going to continue trying to cross the border till you come up with a better solution. One to help, not hurt them.

Barbra Strunk reads this blog. Has so for some time. Never met her.

She is a stalwart Trump supporter. We are on opposite ends of the spectrum. Adamant in her feelings. I can sense it when she responds to something negative I might have said about him. She hits hard!

There are times when Barbra will write a pleasant  friendly e-mail re my health or some other thing. Such messages are sweet. Gives one the sense Barbra is a nice person.

Barbra lives somewhere in north Florida. Spoke with her for the first time sunday morning. She is visiting Key West. Stopped at Hard Rock to hear Terri sing. She and Donna began talking. All of a sudden, Donna had Barbra on the phone with me.

What a nice person!

Barbra is here till friday. Hope we get together before she leaves.

Beard or no beard? Should have run a contest as to whether I would shave. Received about 20 comments. Equally divided. Male and female. Leave it on, take it off.

I took it off. Decided I looked homeless with it on. That and the weight loss. Decided I did not want to go another week developing it.

Out last night for the first time in a week. Planned on hitting all my favorite spots. It was the Chart Room first. John bartending.

John put a Beefeater on the rocks in front of me. I lit up a cigarette. The first for both in a week. Could not handle either. Two sips of the gin and 2 drags on the cigarette. Neither tasted right. Instead a diet Coke.

Left soon after. I was having no fun. Did not feel right. Probably because I have not physically moved my body for a week. I have to walk a bit today.

The Key West Cemetery is an interesting place. A lot of odd ball tombstones. Perhaps ghosts. I am not sure.

Two tombstones of particular interest.

One is the world famous headstone which reads” “I Told You I Was Sick.” Sits on the grave of B. P. “Pearl” Roberts.

The other is referred to as the Bound Woman. This one cool!

It is located as part of the grave of Archibald John Sheldon Yates. A statue of a nude woman with her hands bound behind her back. It sits at/on the head of Yates’ grave. On top of a long flat stone under which is Yates’ body.

Who is the lady and why? Part of a perverted joke by the deceased? Key West had its funky moments in his day also.

Two reasons as to who and why. Not sure which is correct.

One is that the naked bound woman represents Yates’ wife Magdalena. It is said he expressly told his son before he died that he wanted her to sit upon him for all eternity.

A problem. Uncertainty as to whether it represents his wife.

Another theory is that it represents Andromeda from Greek mythology. She was bound naked hands tied to a rock as a sacrifice to the sea monster Cetus. She was saved before the terrible event occurred.

There are a number of paintings of Andromeda as she was awaiting death. Some naked, some clothe from the waist down. Most standing tied to a rock. None similar to the supposed Andromeda sitting on Yates’ face.

My dear friend of many years Cheryl Keast sent me a FB message yesterday with an attachment. The attachment read: “Unpacked our Nativity scene yesterday. Removed all the Jews, Arabs, and foreigners. Ended up with a jackass and a handful of sheep.”

Enjoy your day!


  1. The current issue of emigration, immigration and migrations, is a lot like the issue of climate change.

    • both have been an issue from the beginning of time
    • both are sometimes fueled by unavoidable and/or natural causes
    • both are often started or aggravated and made worse by human causes
    • both are often overblown and used for shameless political gain
    • Republicans are usually in denial and on the wrong side of both

  2. Lou,
    I have a plane ticket and 30 days stay at Motel 6 in San Diego booked for you so you can go and straighten out the border situation. Do it in 3 weeks and the last week will be in La Jolla

    • Don’t be fooled by this troll fed hysteria Lou, stay focused on the real problems this country faces. This ruckus on the border at Tijuana is smaller than the average Walmart mayhem last “Black Friday’ and no where near as uncontainable as a say Coachella in April. A crowd that size would be considered a failure by Trump, if it was one of his ‘hate’ rallies. La Jolla isn’t in any danger and George’s at the Cove will be open for dinner as usual at 5.

  3. While reading some news articles, it stated this same tear gas was used at the border during the Obama’s presidency also.
    This can’t be true. Is it?

    • I researched what you asked. I am sorry to say Obama was guilty of using tear gas at the border also. Frequently. 26 x in 2012, 27 in 2013. Numbers then dropped off. 3 x in 2016. I will be acknowledging Obama’s use in my blog this morning.

    • Trump always seems to do the very thing he criticized Obama for doing, in spite of saying he was going to be different. In doing so he proved we don’t need to spend billions to build a wall.

  4. MY flagrant and cheap shot way of changing the subject is to point out that Obama saved General Motors and all those jobs, while Trump has caused General Motors to eliminate 15,000 jobs, without even commenting. It seems to me that all the fuss about a few protestors at the border is totally misdirected outrage, considering the real issues of the day.

  5. I’m troubled that kids are being exposed to tear gas.
    I’m troubled why this mother would put her children in harms way
    I’m troubled why this mother has her 5 YEAR OLD twins still in DIAPERS!

    I’m troubled that I feel this was a staged photo opportunity!

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