Pure politics this morning.

The chaotic fiasco of the past few days confirmed conclusively that the United States government is dysfunctional. It is broken.

What to do?

The first reaction is vote them out. The solution is impractical. Through legal political maneuvering over the years, 95 per cent of Congressional incumbents are reelected. The same persons are returned to Washington term after term.

There is a growing interest in term limits. A wise solution on the surface. Unfortunately, it would not work in a timely fashion.

Some 15 odd years ago, several States set term limits for their federally elected representatives. The already seated Congressmen did not like it. They went to Court. The Supreme Court of the United States ruled in a 5-4 decision that term limits could be imposed only by Constitutional amendment.

In this day and age, a Constitutional amendment would take 10-15 years to achieve. The United States as we know it might not survive that long.

A third party is another possible solution. It is the one I deem the most practical at this time.

The United States is no longer split between two parties. The Republican and Democrat Parties. There is a third unnamed party. Independents. They make up approximately one third of the voting population. The Republicans and Democrats share equally the remaining two thirds.

Whereas the numbers are equal, party structure is not. The independents are totally without organization.

It is time for one or two persons of substantial wealth to step up. They must put their money where their mouths are. There are many such men. Mayor Bloomberg is one.

Running a Presidential candidate will not be enough. The independents must join together in a new party and run Congressional candidates in each and every Congressional district and State. Therein lies the reason why a man of stature with big money is required. The fight to save this country must be waged at the grass roots level.

It could work. The thought is not far fetched.

Think about it.