Key West sponsors many events and has many parades. Without question, the Christmas parade every year is the best. The parade this year was last night.

I had to arrive 1.5 hours before the parade started. So I would not have to walk a very long distance to get to the parade. The closer to parade time, the less parking available.

Stopped at Don’s Place first. It was to early to be out on the street. Everyone was there! The ladies dressed up a bit. Many with Santa Claus hats. The mood decidedly festive.

As 7 approached, I left to walk the several blocks to where I was to meet Lisa and the family for the parade. Robert and Ally arrived with plastic shopping bags to put their booty in. Float riders throw candy to the kids.

The whole town was at the parade. Half in the parade, half watching curbside.

The Christmas parade is the longest I have ever seen. Every year. Roughly three hours. Beautiful floats, beautiful people…..all in a holiday mood!

Robert’s mind works well. He reconnoiters the scene and figures out where on the curb he has to sit and how to approach the treasure coming at him from the floats. His bag was full very early. Ally on the other hand is looking around and talking with a girl friend seated on the curb next to her. Occasionally, she would look up and go for some candy.

A school friend of Robert’s was in a Santa hat and on a float that was low to the ground. He was throwing small Reese peanut butter cups to the kids. When he saw Robert, he got off and ran over to him. He handed Robert the whole bag he had in his hand. A large bag of Reese peanut butter cups. What friends are for!

There were about a dozen Santas. All did a good job. They were into their roles. Saw two Mrs. Claus’ also.

I had intended to return to Don’s Place to party after the parade. However three hours on my feet was too much for me. I was tired! Went directly home and to bed.

The morning was busy for me. Guy de Boer is the publisher and owner of KONK Life, a Key West weekly. Guy is going to feature/announce my new book to his readers. The whole front page will be a picture of me, the book, a typewriter, a pad and pen, and my glasses. It will be published in a couple of weeks. Hemingway watch out!

Afterwards, Guy and I went to breakfast. Goldman’s Deli. I get there every couple of months. It is absolutely amazing the business the place does. Every booth and table occupied. People crowded together standing waiting for a table. Reminded me of Joe’s in Utica on a Saturday night.

I have a Christmas cocktail party to attend this afternoon. Life in Key West is always on the move.

Enjoy your Sunday!



Happy  Thanksgiving!

This morning the turkeys are in the oven, pies cooling, the children watching the Macy Thanksgiving Parade, families getting together. A good day! A thank you God day.

A quick  history of Thanksgiving.

The gathering of Pilgrims and Indians in 1621 is considered the first Thanksgiving. It was not. It was called a “gathering.”

There were no more thanksgivings/gatherings till 1776. George Washington called for a day of thanksgiving. The first time the word was actually used. The Revolution was in full swing. The colonies had separated from Great Britain.

The day was enjoyed. Washington wanted to continue it every year. The politicians of the day said no. Even Thomas Jefferson. It had to do with Pilgrims, Puritans, and satanic beliefs. A hot potato.

There was not another thanksgiving till 1864. Abraham Lincoln was happy with the way the Civil war was going. He had a new general by the name of Ulysses Grant who had won several battles, The Emancipation Proclamation was law. Lincoln decreed the fourth thursday of November was hence forth to be celebrated as a day of thanksgiving.

It so continued till 1941. It became a legal holiday at that time. Thanks to Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

That’s the story.

Lunch yesterday was at Goldman’s Deli with Robert and Ally. Business appeared to be half of what it normally was. I attribute it to the competition of the nearby new Five Guys and the boulevard construction.

The grandkids and I talked about Thanksgiving and Christmas. Had Santa Claus telephoned me yet this year? No, not yet. He’s busy. Soon, however.

Oh, how they believe!

Before going out last night, I had to deliver the turkey from my refrigerator to Lisa. It was heavy! Robert and Ally were excitedly waiting for me. They took the turkey from me to carry inside.

My evening out was Don’s Place. A good  crowd. Including Don, David, Herschel, Stan, Erika, Toni, Bebe, Rob, and others. The holiday spirit was in the air.

I read an article this morning that the second biggest drinking night in the U.S. is Thanksgiving Eve. The first of course is New Year’s Eve.

I stopped at Publix for a few things on the way home. The new one. The place was crowded. I was surprised. Apparently most people had waited till the last minute to shop.

Two Thanksgiving dinners for me today! With Lisa and family at 1. With friends at 6. A heavy day!

Donna emailed me yesterday. She forwarded a You Tube video of Terri made in Dusseldorf,  Germany. Terri recently appeared with the Symphony there.

The video is less than six minutes. Well done. I recommend you take a look at it.

Tomorrow is friday. Friday is The Key West Lou Legal Hour. Please watch. Ten o’clock in the morning my time. Available on TV throughout the Keys and Miami-Dade County. Comcast Channel 87 and U-Verse Channel 19. Available world wide via internet.

You will enjoy!

Enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday, also!