Anti-Semitism is on the rise. Has been for roughly a decade. Slowly creeping up each year. Evident in the United States and Europe, especially.

The NRA has finally met its match. In the children. The NRA aware their rising cry will be difficult to stifle. From the mouths of babes come truth. So another troublemaker must be identified. One that can be blamed for destroying American freedoms. As perceived by the NRA.

The Jews! Who else? The all time international scapegoat.

It is claimed gun rights are being destroyed by Jewish elite. The mega rich. Further, social engineering in general  by Jews will destroy other American freedoms.

The anti-Semitic trend part of La Pierre’s raving speech at CPAC this week.

Beware! Don’t buy it!

Staying with guns for a moment, there are 265 million privately owned firearms in the United States. One hundred thirty three million are owned by 3 percent of Americans. The 3 percent are referred to as super owners.

Bottom line, 3 percent of Americans own more than half the country’s guns. Averages out to 17 guns per super owner.

Another pleasant evening last night. Spent with Donna and Terri. Bear too for a part of the evening.

We were going out to dinner. Cocktails first at Donna and Terri’s.

I bought Bear another small toy to chew and chase. A soft lamb chop. He loved it!

I have not seen Bear in a week. He has grown. Appears to have doubled in size. Could it be? Only 11 weeks old.

Dinner was at La Trattoria. Bear left home alone. First time alone. Don’t know yet how he handled it.

Food and companionship outstanding. Always a good time with my lesbian wives.

I continue to observe the tourist crowd. Many, though less than previous years. I expect it will continue till season is over.

Bicyclists a never ending problem. So many on the streets. Even in the dark of night. Most without lights, of course. I cannot understand the infrequency of accidents. Don’t tell me because bicycle operators are safe drivers. Come drive our streets and find out how wrong you would be.

Trump continues to tell us things are good economically. Actually, great! I disagree. No question better. However not all Americans experiencing the benefits of a terrific economy.

Employees of American Eagle an example.

American Eagle is a subsidiary of American Airlines. American Airlines last year had a profit of $1.9 billion. Eagle and its parent American have been negotiating a new contract for almost two years to no avail.

Following are trials and tribulations some American Eagle employees claim they are suffering: Need for food stamps, other public assistance to make ends meet, purchase out of date food, borrow from retirement accounts, sell blood. Some being paid $9.48 per hour.

The white man was as bad as the Indians. Perhaps worse.

Lets begin with scalping. I am not sure who started it. However as far back as 1621, things were not as kumbaya as one might believe. Even the first Thanksgiving had the Pilgrims and Indians looking over the table at each other with animosity.

Days before, Miles Standish led a band of Pilgrims on a special quest. They wanted the head of a local Indian chief. They could not find him. However they did locate an Indian by the name of Wituwamat. They beheaded him and placed his head on a wooden spike at their encampment. Wituwamat’s head so remained for many years.

On Thanksgiving Day 1626, the colonists were after Indian Chief Metacomet. They captured him, decapitated him, quartered his body and left it to the wolves. His head was placed on a pole in Plymouth.

A few years later, 700 Pequot Indians were killed, burned alive, and beheaded. Some of the colonists used the heads as bowling balls. They bowled down the various streets of a nearby town.

Moving ahead to 1725, whites scalping Indians became a big thing. Indian scalps were worth money.

In February, a posse of New Hampshire volunteers attacked an Indian encampment. They took 10 scalps. The first significant appropriation of Indian scalps by European colonists.

The posse sold the scalps to Boston authorities who paid them 100 pounds per scalp.

Scalping and decapitation by the white man in early pre-United States days. Would you believe?

I had computer problems while writing today’s blog. My key board froze. Took a couple of hours to find the problem and fix it. In the meantime, some of you were able to receive a shortened entry together with grammatical errors and misspellings. Sorry. Hope you returned to this final version.

Enjoy your Sunday!


12 comments on “BLAMES THE JEWS

  1. Would you believe?
    end quote

    Yep. More evidence keeps surfacing over the decades that the practice was brought from the old country.

    • Comrade Patric – your comment about the rise in anti-Semitism is at best, very misleading and much more likely driven by either political intention or just plain ignorance. The rise in anti-Semitism is clearly due to white supremacists and their political right wing enablers. To suggest anything different is creepy and revealing of your own position on the subject. The evidence for the rise in anti-Semitism in this country clearly shows this is home grown and not “brought from the old country” as you so indecently profess. In fact, the number of serious acts of anti-Semitic terrorist events in this country alone, exceeded somewhere way over 150, in the final year of the last presidential election, a huge increase. All of these were were attributed to existing hate groups not new immigrants from the old country. As Lou mentioned in his blog, this anti-Semitic trend was even part of La Pierre’s raving NRA speech at CPAC this past week. Unless you only watch Trump TV, listen to extremist talk radio or are easily influenced or controlled by the Russian Blogs, you would know this, but maybe you do and are only attempting to provide cover for your beloved Führer.

      • Just once again Mickey, shows you have no reading comprehension skills what-so-ever. For your information, trying to make this so you can understand, my response was clearly about the beheading/scalping paragraphs. You may want to re-read those, it’ll probably take you several times though. So,take your time and read slowly.

        • Oh Contraire, Comrade Patric – you are always the racist and bigot – show me one place in your original blog response where you refer to beheading/scalping, something that is generally not considered an old country practice by Americans, nor in any way referred to as such by Lou. Pretty cheap of you to claim ‘that’s not what I meant’ after the fact. As usual poor communication skills (an intentions) are your hallmark. We all “get” what you were/are up to, and it is disgusting.

          • The white man was as bad as the Indians. Perhaps worse.

            Lets begin with scalping. I am not sure who started it. However as far back as 1621, things were not as kumbaya as one might believe. Even the first Thanksgiving had the Pilgrims and Indians looking over the table at each other with animosity.

            Days before, Miles Standish led a band of Pilgrims on a special quest. They wanted the head of a local Indian chief. They could not find him. However they did locate an Indian by the name of Wituwamat. They beheaded him and placed his head on a wooden spike at their encampment. Wituwamat’s head so remained for many years.

            On Thanksgiving Day 1626, the colonists were after Indian Chief Metacomet. They captured him, decapitated him, quartered his body and left it to the wolves. His head was placed on a pole in Plymouth.

            A few years later, 700 Pequot Indians were killed, burned alive, and beheaded. Some of the colonists used the heads as bowling balls. They bowled down the various streets of a nearby town.

            Moving ahead to 1725, whites scalping Indians became a big thing. Indian scalps were worth money.

            In February, a posse of New Hampshire volunteers attacked an Indian encampment. They took 10 scalps. The first significant appropriation of Indian scalps by European colonists.

            The posse sold the scalps to Boston authorities who paid them 100 pounds per scalp.

            Scalping and decapitation by the white man in early pre-United States days. Would you believe?
            end quote

            What is disgusting is you and your post.
            What can’t you understand about the last 3 words of that topic. Those 3 words belong to the previous related paragraphs. Louis brought up this very subject a year or so ago and and I noted then that it was this lands new ‘immigrants’ [ maybe you would prefer the term invaders] that started the scalping that is usually wrongly believed to be a native American tradition.

          • I too had the same reaction as michael although moreso as a Jew myself. If you really meant the other thing which I very much doubt you should have made that clear which you did not at

  2. Will Trump get a brain storm from China and move to end term limits so he can become President for life? His base would love it.

    • No such move is being talked about at this time seriously by anyone. Bills have been brought up several times in the past to appeal the 22nd amendment, hasn’t happened yet and probably/hopefully never will.

  3. Linda R on February 26, 2018 at 5:49 pm said:
    I too had the same reaction as michael although moreso as a Jew myself. If you really meant the other thing which I very much doubt you should have made that clear which you did not at
    end quote

    Did you too not read where those 3 words were taken from and inserted as the quote to which I was clearly responding too. I don’t care what your religion is as I clearly was not responding to anything remotely affiliated to what you two think it was. How you two could possibly come up with such ideas is beyond comprehension. Hint, just for future info, anytime someone posts a quote and responds to it, it concerns the topic the quote was taken from and not from some other unrelated previous topic.

    • Ditto from me too, Dude. Whats with white settlers scalping indians being an old world tradition now slowly creeping into a practice in America over decades? Sounds like a pretty lame cover excuse to me. And whats with that book length rambling incoherent comeback that makes absolutely no sense at all. You really need to start posting sober.

  4. OK Dude, guess you need to study some real history also. Scalping was going on in Europe long before they decided to come to this country.

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