Another lovely day in Key West! The weather is soooo good! The sun is shining on my neighbors’ homes across the water. A yellow one and light green one. Great to see!

God is good!

My day time was well spent yesterday.

First, a manicure. At Lee Nails on Fogarty. Lovely Tammy an owner and my manicurist. Sometimes when I am there, the place is packed. Other times, it is dead. Yesterday I was the only customer.

Then I picked up the grandkids. Robert and Ally. We were off to the golf course.

Since they took their first formal lessons a couple of weeks ago, Robert and Ally have become official members of the golf course. Yesterday was the first day we were to play together. Previously, we had just practice putted.

They were excited. More anxious to ride in the golf cart than actually play golf. To be expected at ages 6 and 5.

We only played two holes. That is what I had plannned. Took 2 hours.

The golf course is empty aftrernoons in the summer. No one in front or behind us.

I hit first off the tee to give them some thing to strive for. I was afraid I would hit a lousy shot. I did not. They were duly impressed.

We had a deal. Ten shots a piece and then we pick up. This was short of the green. We would then go to the green and they could putt as long as it took to get the ball in the hole.

It went well. They did well. Taking their ages and experience into consideration. Primarily whiffs and some dug up turf. Though each of them did hit the ball up in the air a few times.

Ally was big on rules. No talking while hitting. She kept chastising her brother for talking.

I let each of them drive the cart a bit. Sat them on my lap. Their feet could not reach the pedals. They steered. I did the feet thing. The high light of the day for each of them!

They were both exhausted at the end of two holes. And properly so. We rested up in the restaurant drinking diet Pepsi and eating hot dogs.

Last night turned out to be an exceptional one for me.

I started at the Chart Room. Captain Peter and me. Then a couple who are in the Chart Room often. Their names escape me. He is a retired dentist. They have a home here in Key West, their primary home in Miami and another on the shore in Connecticut. The husband turned 75 July 4. I turned 75 July 6. So we had much in common.

The conversation got around to Club Meds. I did not know Club Meds were still in business.

Many many years ago I did three. This couple have been doing them for years. All over the world. As recently as 3 weeks ago. They took their children and grandchildren, 11 in all, to a Club Med to celebrate the husband’s 75th birthday.

Turns out Club Meds have become family vacation spots.

They were not when I went. They agreed. I shared with them my first experience on a topless beach at the Martinique Club Med. I did not know the beach was topless. I walked out and saw a 1,000 breasts! It was a cultural shock!

Then it was to the Sports Page Bar for a sandwich and newspaper reading. Robert bartending. Chris who usually bartends had a night off. Where was she? At the other end of the bar having a sandwich. On her night off, she was back to her place of work! Not good!

Chris came over and we chatted for a while. She was all prettied up for a night on the town. She said she would be hitting Duval later.

Robert came over and asked if we would like a couple of shots of Tequila. Six months ago, yes! Now, no! How sad!

The Miami Herald was interesting. The article regarding Key West hurricanes and booze consumption was in the paper. The same article that had been in the Sacramento Bee the day before. With my quote again.

Later when I got home, I brought the article up on the internet. There were a couple of pictures accompanying the internet article. I was in one of them. Sitting at the bar in the Chart Room.

I received a lot of e mails in the last 24 hours on the article. People think drinking and hurricanes are a problem. No problem! Just another example of media hype! Peope are too busy during an actual hurricane to get pollutted. Their primary concern is protecting themselves and their property from harm.

I was home early. Dark already, however. And there were my house guests, Donna and Terri, seated out on the deck. They never went out. Decided to eat in and enjoy the solitude of the night by the water.

Donna had spent the day in bed resting. She came to Key West with a terrible cough and congestion. She is under doctor’s care here. Getting better, but still tired.

Terri said she was outside for 4 hours during the afternoon. In the pool and laying around it. She keeps working on her tan.

I find her tan thing humorous. Terri is a black person. Very black. Ain’t no question regarding her ethnticity!

Yet she is always sun bathing! Always talking about working on her tan!

It was dark. I asked why they did not have the lights on. They did not want them. Said it was better with no lights.

They were comfortably slouched in chairs looking up at the stars. It was a clear night. They were commenting on the constellations.

They lucked out. There was a shooting star! Terri saw it and went crazy. A first for her!

I spent a couple of hours sitting out there with them. They said this was impossible to experience in New York City… just calmly sit and look up at the stars.

Such was my day. Such was my evening. A good one in every respect.

Today is Sunday. Enjoy your Sunday!

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