Ernest Thayer wrote in 1888 lines that apply at this moment.

“…..Oh, somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright; the band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light, and somewhere men are laughing and somewhere children shout; but there is no joy in Mudville–mighty Casey has struck out.”

Syracuse lost last night. To Butler. The season is over for Syracuse. Perhaps the finest basketball team in Syracuse history went down to defeat.

The ultimate glory–winning the Final Four–is not to be.

I watched the tragedy occur at the Sports Page Bar. There were only 2 of us pulling for Syracuse. A handful of Butler fans. And a houseful of West Virginia patriots.

So be it. It is done.

Yesterday was babysitting time again. Me and Ally.

Ally did not want to play. She colored a bit at first and otherwise just layed on the couch. She slept quite a bit.

I made macaroni and cheese for lunch. She said she wanted it. However she only picked at it.

In the middle of the afternoon Lisa telephoned to tell me she had received a call from the school. Robert was sick. She was going to pick him up.

I have not heard yet this morning. But the call will come soon that I am babysitting again this morning. This time for the both of them.

After the radio show, of course.

Please listen in at 10 to KONK 1500 Am. Or even better, listen and watch on the internet at A good show today! Much has happened in the legal community this past week.

I stopped at bocce after the Syracuse game. The third game was in progress. Our team lost all 3 games last night to Larry Smith’s team. Close games all, but all losers.

Such is life.

I stopped at Don’s Place afterwards. It was packed. I passed time with Beebe, Rob, Don, Michelle and Tino. Kurt was bartending.

Cheryl and Roger have invited me to dinner tonight. 7 at Martin’s. Should be an interesting evening.

Enjoy your day!

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