Dark this morning! Pitch black!

I am up early again.

There must be a strong wind. I can hear the ocean big time through my window.

There is nothing more refreshing than lying in bed in a dark room and listening to the water.

Yesterday started as a typical Sunday.

I ran out early to buy the local Sunday newspaper.

Then a light breakfast outside by the water. Read the newspaper, of course.

Meet the Prerss followed. Then a couple of reruns of the Sopranos. Love that show!

I spent part of the afternoon at Don’s Place watching pro football. Five games at one time. I am glad I do not do it every day. I would end up cross eyed!

It is more than the drink and food that make Sundays at Don’s such a good thing. It is the camadreship! Everyone knows everyone. And everyone is happy to see, greet and socialize with each other.

Afterwards, I was off to Lisa’s to see the family. Ally was not there. She was at a girl friend’s house playing. A first! She had never been dropped off by her mother for a prearragned play date. Lisa said Ally asked her when she dropped her off whether she would be returning to get her. She required the reassurance. Cute! Part of growing up!

I watched the President’s Cup while at Lisa’s. And watched Lisa continuing to tweak her interent department store Via Key West which is to open soon.

Via Key West is coming together.

Some great art. Watercolors by local icon Christine Cordone Smith. Photos by William Gatz. Mixed media by Michael Anderson.

The jewelry is equisite! By the talents of Donna Barnett and Laurel Denny.

CDs by Yankee Jack and others.

Local books by local authors. Some one is always writing about Key West.

Tee shirts. Local in nature.

She has something called Tropical Treats. It is a winner! Big time! Oprah did her 25 favorite things in 2004. One was baked goods. The baking winner is being featured by Lisa. The Key Lime Bundt Cake is to die for! I tried it over the weekend.

And other things. Like bath salts, tiles and wood pieces.

Soon Via Key West will open! Be sure to take a look at it.

I left Lisa’s for home. My intention was to watch the end of the President’s Cup and then go to the Gardens for some good music and good company.

I never made it to the Gardens. I got comfortable at home. Perhaps lazy is a better word. In any event, I opted to stay in and just lay around.

It was a pleasant evening.

I trust today will be a good one. I wish an enjoyable day to all!

3 comments on “

  1. hi lou, tecia and i are back in oswego now. COLD here! i called our friend bruce and he was happy to hear from you. also gave him your blog address so maybe he will comment some day here. see you as soon as we return in december, gary .

  2. It may be dark there, It is cold and heavy frost here in Utica @6 this am. 29 degrees. Got to love it or to just crazy.think I know which one I am

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