If you missed reading my blog yesterday, it was because I did not do it till 5 in the evening. A long story. Please go back and read it after this one.

The Key West Lou Legal Hour was fun and interesting yesterday.

I retold the story of Bank of America and demonstrators that I reported earlier in the week. Some disgruntled persons were walking on the sidewalk in front of the bank on Flagler carrying signs. Like “F–K BANK OF AMERICA” and “PAY YOUR CORPOATE TAXES.”

I chatted a bit about how with government being broke, services to people will lessen. It is a fait accompli.

It seems to be affecting the justice system first.

Vallejo, California, a community of 120,000, went bankrupt. Had to cut its police force back to 40 per cent of what it was. Prostitutes from nearby communities became aware enforcement was reduced. The new big business in Vallejo is prostitution. Hookers and johns vist the community day and night. The citizens got upset. They have resorted to self help. They formed a committee and are policing the situation themselves.

Then there is the recent scare with the Florida court system. Less than two weeks ago it was announced the court system’s budget was running out. My recollection is the court’s fiscal year is July 1. It was reported the courts would have to close till then and employees furloughed. Within hours the Governor and Chief Justice got together and resolved the problem. They borrowed the money from reserves. Which means the court system will have an additional $70 million plus problem in the new fiscal year. A band aid resolution.

This past week an Alabama judge advised he had to adjourn a major murder trial indefinitely. A high profile case. He did not have the money for bailiffs and security.

Such represent that which is to come. Soon things like garbage collections will be reduced, as well as other state and municipal services. Until we get our house in order!

I spent quite a bit of time on the new Key West school construction.

There is a 25 foot height building requirement in Key West. The school being built is 56 feet tall. Partially constructed. Affects a residential neighborhood. No one taking responsibility. Every one involved pointing the finger at another.

This school too tall is the beginning of another Key West governmental screw up. All involved seem to have been asleep at the wheel.

I say reduce its size immediately, or tear it down. It is an eyesore and a monstrosity, as well as an insult. Coming over the Palm Avenue bridge, it looks like the middle finger sticking up!

Key West weather continues to be spectacular. Mid 80s by day. Cool at night. Sleep with the windows open.

God is good!

Enjoy your day!

One comment on “

  1. You're being an alarmist, Lou. Cut every agency of government, by at least 30%, I say. In the case of the police department, cut it

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